MATLAB Online で開く Hi, I am trying to draw some contour lines of a ternary phase diagram. I am currently just using closely spaced digitized points on the ternary plot. I am using the package: Ternary Plots. However, I want smooth lines connecting them. So far, I have this: The ...
I would like to plot a ternary phase diagram based on ab-initio energy inputs. There, I found a useful tool which may help me: There are several issues I need to alter: I like to see my input phase "name labe...
Ternary plotting for Matlab This code helps you to plot ternary phase data on a ternary phase diagram. This package is also avialablefrom File Exchange. It acts like plot (responds to hold, etc), also includesternlabel.mto label all three axes. There are also functions to plot three dimensi...
% 初始化三元相图(Init ternary plot) STA=STernary(); % 随机构造数据(Randomly generated data) A=rand(1,500); B=rand(1,500); C=rand(1,500); STA.SPcolor(A,B,C,10) % STA.SScatter(A,B,C,5,'filled','CData',[0,0,0]); ...
Isothermal section represents a horizontal plane perpendicular to the temperature axis of the 3D phase diagram, while isopleth plot is perpendicular to the basis. Very few complete ternary systems with projection of liquidus and solidus are available. That is why a program was developed for ...
and approximately 40% of the N was applied as a top-dressing at the tillering stage and another 10% of the N and 50% of the K2O was applied as a top-dressing at the heading stage. At harvest, the fresh weight and dry weight of the rice straw and the grain in each plot were ...