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At first, we don‘t need to rebuild the whole NDK, since google already built most of it. we only need to build llvm toolchain, then replace the llvm in the NDK. of course you can build the whole NDK, use, but the source code is too huge. download r21 How to build...
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ndk-sysroot TO INSTALL --- clang_18.1.3_aarch64.deb TO INSTALL === termux packages you can make with dpkg -i clang_18.1.3_aarch64.deb and run it throughbash with 3GB ram max resolution that...
MariaDB [mysql]> set password for 'root'@'localhost' = password('pass4sql');MariaDB [mysql]> flush privileges;MariaDB [mysql]> quit;# 密码登录 mysql -u root -p 使⽤ nginx nginx pgrep nginx # nginx -s reload nginx -s stop 下载 pip:curl https://boot...
通过qpython 来实现手机内执行 python 脚本运行 UI 自动化,但是 qpython 是直接将 uiautomator2 的整个库文件夹 push 到手机,在安装 pip 相关依赖包的时候也挺麻烦的。 后来发现了一个 Android 端的神器--Termux Termux 是一款开源且不需要 root,运行在 Android 终端上极其强大的 linux 模拟器,支持 apt 管理软件...
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首次使用需要输入 apt update 完成后直接 apt isntall 包名 即可 Termux支持的包列表 aapt abduco ack-grep angband ant apr apr-dev apr-util apr-util-dev apt apt-transport-https aria2 asciinema atool autoconf automake bash bash-completion
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