Termux:X11 is a fully fledged X server. It is built with Android NDK and optimized to be used with Termux. Submodules caveat This repo uses submodules. Use git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/termux/termux-x11 or git clone https://github.com/termux/termux-x11 cd termux-...
Fixed: Fix gradle build error if using jdk17 2个月前 gradlew gradle 6.6.1 5年前 gradlew.bat Normalize gradlew.bat 4年前 jitpack.yml Export JITPACK_NDK_VERSION for jitpack 4年前 settings.gradle Create termux-shared library package for all termux constants and shared utils ...
scripts(ndk-patches/27c): add some Swift-specific excludes and a libc… Nov 9, 2024 packages fix(main/coreutils): fix undefined behavior in coreutils built with s… Mar 21, 2025 root-packages addpkg(root/thin-provisioning-tools): add 0.9.0 ...
然后就需要手动使用ndk-build命令先编译好so文件然后才可以构建工程。我不想那么麻烦,依然想用gradle来完成,结果又是一通查。 解决方案如下: 首先把上面那段代码删掉,然后在defaultConfig中添加如下代码: ndk{ moduleName"libtermux"cFlags"-std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Os -fno-stack-protector"} 问题就愉快地解决啦。
gitclonehttps://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang.git# start building shaderc...cd~/shaderc && mkdir build &&cdbuild# setting android ndk toolchainTOOLCHAIN=/path/to/android-ndk-r21/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-aarch64 cmake -G"Ninja"\ ...
Termux:X11 是一个完全成熟的 X 服务。它使用 Android NDK 构建,并且被优化过,与 Termux 工作的很好。 子模块警告(Submodules caveat) 此储存库使用子模块: ~ $gitclone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/termux/termux-x11 或者 ~ $gitclone https://github.com/termux/termux-x11 ...
Recompile your binary for correct architecture with the Android NDK and it should run fine. It is possible to check your current arch with command uname -m. Why do I keep getting 'No such file or directory' when trying to execute a binary, but the file exists? This happens when you ...
经典冯诺依曼架构的,符合POSIX的,符合LINUX调用约定的,经过NDK静态编译过的软件,可以直接在termux里的bash终端运行。 我希望我的表… 阅读全文 赞同 16 条评论 分享 收藏喜欢 在真机上装linux运行linux应用程序,还是装termux模拟linux应用程序,哪个效率高?
然后下android ndk& sdk pacman -Saria2aria2c --async-dns=false -x16 -j16 https://github.com/lzhiyong/termux-ndk/releases/download/android-sdk/android-sdk-aarch64.zip aria2c --async-dns=false -x16 -j16 https://github.com/lzhiyong/termux-ndk/releases/download/android-ndk/android-ndk-r2...
pkg install libjpeg-turbo libcrypt ndk-sysroot pip install pillow 模拟root 环境: pkg install proot termux-chroot proot-distro 安装 Linux 发行版 Termux 官方提供了基于proot 实现的安装 Linux 发行版的工具 proot-distro pkg install proot-distro#show the supported distributions and their statusproot...