The following tutorial guides you on how toMaintain terms of paymentin SAP. We are creating payment term key CP03 which is applicable for both customers and vendors. Terms of Payment are used for vendor and customer invoice payments with conditions of cash discount allowed within a period of p...
Terms of Payment means the conditions agreed upon between the business partners (be it the customer or the vendor). The conditions define the due date of the invoice and the discount offered for the payment of the invoice within the predefined time period. In other words, the Terms of Paymen...
付款条件配置说明: 详见附件 payment terms.pdf
Solved: Hello friends, My superuser is going on changing the Terms of payment, so what I want is whenever one perticular sales area or perticular customer comes up for
The above terms of payment is valid until 15thof the month. The above terms of payment is valid from 16thto the end of the month. Basic data Related Documents SAP WIKI:Installment Payment Terms - Customizing Related SAP Notes/KBAs SAP Note162885: - Behavior of terms of paymt when entering...
Figure 5-1:The terms of payment overview screen To create a new payment term, click the New Entries button. The payment ... GetConfiguring SAP® ERP Financial and Controllingnow with the O’Reillylearning platform. O’Reilly members experience books, live events, courses curated by job role...
SAP Payment Terms 付款条件 他的用途是应收和应付的财务凭证中账期的管理,顾名思义即手动录入和自动生成的财务文档多少天内冲销处理则为正常,否则为超期应收应付文档,它包含的内容是:账期计算基准日(开始计算过期日的日期),账期到期日(未过期的最晚日期)或者周期天数(基准日+周期天数即为最晚未过期日),...
SAP Payment Terms 付款条件 他的用途是应收和应付的财务凭证中账期的管理,顾名思义即手动录入和自动生成的财务文档多少天内冲销处理则为正常,否则为超期应收应付文档,它包含的内容是:账期计算基准日(开始计算过期日的日期),账期到期日(未过期的最晚日期)或者周期天数(基准日+周期天数即为最晚未过期日),同时SAP...