(摘自SAP方丈)分期付款常见业务模式有固定资产采购等。定义收付款条件 过期基准日Baseline Date 的业务需求 (1)当月1-15日记账,基线日期为本月25日;当月15日之后记账,基线日期为下月25日;到期日为基线日期加上30天。如下测试,分别设置付款条件Z002和Z012 付款条件Z002 TCODE:FB60 解释:付款条件里天数限制...
SAP Payment Terms 付款条件 他的用途是应收和应付的财务凭证中账期的管理,顾名思义即手动录入和自动生成的财务文档多少天内冲销处理则为正常,否则为超期应收应付文档,它包含的内容是:账期计算基准日(开始计算过期日的日期),账期到期日(未过期的最晚日期)或者周期天数(基准日+周期天数即为最晚未过期日),同时SAP系...
SAP IMG Path: –SPRO >SAP Reference IMG (F5) > Financial accounting > Accounts receivable and accounts payable > Business transactions > Incoming invoices / Credit memos >>Maintain terms of payment Transaction code: – OBB8 Step 1: –Yo can get the payment term configuration screen by IMG p...
SAP 如何实现分期付款Installment的付款条件Payment Terms 一、需求描述 实际业务中,关于付款条件Payment Terms的使用,有两种情形(1)有关现金折扣Cash Discount的;(2)有关分期付款Installment Payment的. 二、维护现金折扣付款条件 1 T-Code:OBB8 2 三、维护分期付款条件 1 T-Code:OBB8 2 T-Code:OBB9 然后设置...
Solved: Hello friends, My superuser is going on changing the Terms of payment, so what I want is whenever one perticular sales area or perticular customer comes up for
sap Payment Terms Terms of payment 收付款条件 付款条件配置说明: 详见附件 payment terms.pdf
Steps to create Terms of Payment: Step1:In the SAP Command field enter Transaction codeOBB8. Or In the Command field typeSPRO-> SAP IMG-> Financial Accounting-> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable-> Business Transactions-> Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos-> Maintain Terms of Payment ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Dear Experts, I want to create payment terms "DA" which stands for "Documents against Acceptance". By using T. Code: OBB8, is it possible? Is any where we can give the flexibility to mentioned the payment dates or payment days? Current situat...
Navigation: Transaction SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos -> Maintain Terms of Payment Alternatively: Transaction code OBB8