int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **rval_ptr); The function above makes sure that its parent thread does not terminate until it is done. This function is called from within the parent thread and the first argument is the thread ID of the thread to wait on and the second argument ...
Events are useful when a thread needs to know when to perform its task. For example, a thread that copies data to a data archive would need to be notified when new data is available. By using aCEventobject to notify the copy thread when new data is available, the thread can perform it...
Events are useful when a thread needs to know when to perform its task. For example, a thread that copies data to a data archive would need to be notified when new data is available. By using aCEventobject to notify the copy thread when new data is available, the thread can perform it...
CThread* t; t = (CThread*)arg; dwResult = t->Run(); t->m_hThread =NULL; t->m_dwThreadID =0; t->OnTerminate();returndwResult; } 开发者ID:Joey-Lee,项目名称:QSV2FLV,代码行数:14,代码来源:Thread.cpp 注:本文中的CThread::OnTerminate方法示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等开源代码...
在上面的示例中,我们在一个新线程中抛出了一个异常。但是,这个异常不会影响主线程的执行,主线程会继续执行并打印出"Main thread continues…"。 从心理学的角度看,这种设计可以看作是一种“隔离”策略。当一个线程遇到问题时,它不会影响其他线程的执行。这种隔离策略可以帮助我们将问题局限在一个小的范围内,而不...
voidStorPortTerminateSystemThread( [in] PVOID HwDeviceExtension, [in/optional] PVOID ThreadContext ); 参数 [in] HwDeviceExtension 指向微型端口的硬件设备扩展的指针。 [in/optional] ThreadContext 指向之前调用StorPortCreateSystemThread时收到的线程上下文的指针。
PsTerminateSystemThread does not return if it successfully terminates the calling thread. If the routine cannot terminate the thread (for example, if the thread is not a system thread), the routine returns an error NTSTATUS value.Remarks
printf("Thread1: After exception\n"); return NULL; } void abortTheProcessWhenAnExceptionOccurs(int sigNumber) { /* In a multithreaded environment this is a little difficult. We have to */ /* re-enable the ANSI C handler immediately, because that is the way it */ ...
std::cout <<"task1 says: "<< msg; }intmain(){std::threadt1(task1,"hello"); t1.detach();return0; } 如有错误,希望大家批评指正,日拱一卒,功不唐捐。 参考:
I'm using Boost to run a couple of threads, one of which reads commands via std::cin and another receives them through a socket. It's entirely possible that during the life of the app, all commands will be sent through the socket and the thread watching