谷歌宣布Chrome系统离线应用登陆Mac 打通三大桌面平台 2013-12-12 16:09 Chrome apps可以独立于Chrome浏览器单独运行,并且基本上都不需要联网 12月12日消息,据国外媒体报道,thenextweb网站称,谷歌今天宣布,Chrome apps正式登陆苹果OS X系统。至此,... 在Mac里给Terminal终端自定义颜色 ...
On WSL, GUI browsers on the Windows side cannot be detected by default. You need to explicitly set the BROWSER environment variable to the path of a Windows executable. For instance, you can put the following in your shell's rc:$ export BROWSER='/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome...
Notes on setup Linux on Chrome OS. Contribute to eliranwong/ChromeOSLinux development by creating an account on GitHub.
0 目前的版本是v0.2,v2.0大概会到视频中的那样,比如:link preview的功能目前还没设计。官方dev...
The OS's algorithm for word selection is used, but it's extended to also include characters in this set. For example, by adding / to this field, double-clicking on a path/like/this would select the entire path instead of just one component....
与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 This extension establishes an ADB-compatible connection with your Android device, eliminating the need for any native applications to be installed. It's designed to operate across various desktop environments, whether you're on Windows, Linux, macOS, or Chrome OS. Remarkabl...
By enabling a new developer flag on Chrome OS Canary, the crosh terminal now joins other built-in apps in becoming SWAs – or system web apps. These special apps are basically progressive web apps that are able to operate as a part of the system and work offline. They don’t feel sepa...
How do I open the toolbar or the performance panel on my cloud computer? How do I update the OS of my Windows cloud computer? What do I do if the following message appears on my cloud computer: Your Windows license will expire soon? Can I change the system time of my cloud computer...
The shortcut depends on the OS and terminal application. Using Hyper on MacOS, this is done with ⌘ + w. Exiting Vi / Vim Occasionally, you might find yourself editing a file using either Vi or Vim. These editors are notoriously difficult to quit; ctrl + c won't help you here! To...