On Mac, open the terminal and type cd /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default (once again, replacing [user] with your own details). Next, type rm -rf History*; rm -rf Web\ Data;. On both operating systems, restart your machine, reopen Chrome, and see if your...
Install Google Chrome in Ubuntu Terminal [Method 2] The process you just saw in method 1 can also be done in the terminal. Many people prefer the GUI way but if you like using the command line, you can install Google Chrome using the terminal. It’s not as straightforward as using apt...
So can you please check if there's any chromedriver binary that is already present in your MackBook and available via the PATH variable? You can quickly check this by opening up a terminal and typing which chromedriver. Here's an example ➜ ~ which chromedriver chromedriver not found ...
iPad, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux. Chrome also has a native app on ChromeOS. While you can downloadFirefox desktop on a Chromebook, the installation process is lengthy, and it does require tinkering with the Terminal app.
In this chapter, however we are going to have a look at the command recipe, I used to set up the main Linux utilities that I love and I think are very much needed in a developers' environment. Let’s open the terminal at Applications -> Terminal Emulator. Here is this recipe: cd ~...
In the terminal: $ docker build -t test-puppeteer -f Dockerfile . && docker run --read-only -it test-puppeteer bash ## inside docker $ /usr/bin/chrome-install/chrome/linux-116.0.5793.0/chrome-linux64/chrome Expected results I should be able to run the browser. Before chrome testing,...
Open the Terminal. On Ubuntu, you can pressCtrl+Alt+Tto do so. Locate the downloaded Google Chrome package using the Files app. Type or copy and paste the following command in the Terminal, and press space instead of Enter. Drag and drop the Google Chrome package into the Terminal to add...
Creating a website that look like a terminal. creating an array of session variables Creating DAT file using C# Creating email with approval button / functionality Creating excel file from StreamWriter - Error: file format or file extension is not valid creating master page using bootstrap Creatin...
In terminal: cd /Library/Google/ sudo chown nobody:nogroup GoogleSoftwareUpdate sudo chmod 000 GoogleSoftwareUpdate cd ~/Library/Google/ sudo chown nobody:nogroup GoogleSoftwareUpdate sudo chmod 000 GoogleSoftwareUpdate Then do the same for the folder Google one level up. cd /Library/ sudo ...
Temporarily disable the antivirus and the firewall on your computer. Now, check ifChromeis opening or not. If any of these workarounds didn’t work out, try these fixes- Table of Contents Fix-1 Disable Full screen Optimization Fix-2 Run Chrome in compatibility mode ...