Here, b (>0) reflects the constant tendency to choose the go option and Pavlovian tendencies are parameterized by π, a positive free parameter that captures impaired learning in trials with incongruent Pavlovian and instrumental behaviour (for example, go-to-avoid punishment). Last, the action ...
The authors analysed the data manually on paper-based transcripts. Table 5 Example of the thematic analysis Full size table Ethical considerations Ethical approval and permission for the study were received from the local University and Health Authority (Ethics ID: H22-00659). All staff ...
The statistical structure of the environment is often important when making decisions. There are multiple theories of how the brain represents statistical structure. One such theory states that neural activity spontaneously samples from probability distr
The model we fit in this paper was a multivariate non-linear growth curve model, the algebraic form of which is provided in Appendix A. The intercept was allowed to vary randomly across children and schools, which allowed us to examine the split of the total variance across time, children,...
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Acknowledgements This work is part of the Belgian BioElectroMagnetics Group (BBEMG) project, which is partly supported by ELIA TSO...
Section 6 contains the conclusion, and the references and lists of abbreviations are at the end of the paper. 2. Industrial Load Data Analysis Two data sets are required for an effective forecast model of the industrial load. These data sets are the training data set and the model validation...
ESS Working Paper No. 14-05. Weatherspoon DD, Miller S, Ngabitsinze JC, Weatherspoon LJ, Oehmke JF (2019) Stunting, food security, markets and food policy in Rwanda. BMC Public Health 19(1):882. ...
And for Adam one has to create a custom optimizer based on tf.contrib.opt.AdamWOptimizer (see As somebody else already noted, when in a paper, it is written weight decay = 0.0005, we have to divide by 2 (due to the derivative of ||weight||...
However, no MAGs containing the putative assA gene contained the complete gene set required for alkylsuccinate metabolism, but some possessed a high degree of completeness (for example, the completeness of the Desulfosarcinaceae bacterium bin16 was 96.3%). Nevertheless, genes related to the pathway...
This paper proposes the use of a recent deep learning method, based on Gated Recurrent Neural Network architecture, including Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), which try to captures long-term dependencies than regular Recurrent Neural Network method for modeling sequential data, and also the mechanism...