These two latter are of great importance when converting the data into declined impinging irradiance or specific components like for example daylight or available energy, utilized to assess the feasibility of solar energy systems. The surface irradiance presents a high temporal variability, and analysis...
We discussed the main characteristics of the effective admission paper that will work. Here are the main points: Start with a strong statement in the introduction; Make your short term career goals clear and realistic; Consider the MBA short term goal essay format requirements; Mention your past...
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. “Environmental pollution in the Italian provinces” discusses the air quality in the Italian provinces; “Literature review” discusses the related literature; “Data” presents the data used in the empirical analysis; “Empirical strategy” discusses t...
The number of clusters in the sensory network is 8 throughout the paper. This means that the sensory network discretizes the external variable of interest in 8 intervals. While the activity in the sensory network reverberates due to the recurrent clustered connectivity, the input from the ...
Non-transitive interactions sometimes also result from cyclical competitive hierarchies that resemble the "rock-paper-scissors" game, in which rock crushes scissors, scissors cut paper, and paper covers rock [6]. Biological examples of such cyclical hierarchies include: (i) competition among toxin ...
This paper investigates the use of recurrent neural network to predict urban long-term traffic flows. A representation of the long-term flows with related weather and contextual information is first introduced. A recurrent neural network approach, named RNN-LF, is then proposed to predict the long...
While the secular increase of (married) women's employment has been well documented, this paper provides novel facts for hours worked by married men and married women. We show that in contrast to the rather uniform increase of married women's employment rates, trends in hours worked per employ...
Subjects also had to be willing and able to return to the study site within 72 h of the first use of study medication; record each attack and each instance of the use of DFN-02 and rescue medication in a patient paper diary for the duration of the study; provide written informed ...
URL Accessed 8-Dec-2016 (2016). Peterson, R. K. D. & Hulting, A. G. A comparative ecological risk assessment for herbicides used on spring wheat: the effect of ...
This paper presents the long-term performance of a group of energy piles in terms of meeting the heating and cooling demands of a reference office building in three different climatic conditions. For this purpose, a 3D finite element model was developed, which is capable of taking into considera...