Roblot, P.Amoura, Z.Eder, V.ESLa Revue De Médecine InternePrendki V, Soussan M, Dumas G. Les differents profils de la maladie de Kikuchi en TEP/scanner au FDG. La Revue de Medecine Interne. 2012;33(Supplement 2):A187-A188.
18F-FDG PET is currently considered to be the gold standard. 99mTc bisphonate bone scintigraphy has long been indicated to search for bone metastases but it is not know whether this exploration adds further information after an 18F-FDG PET scan. In order to answer this question, two observers...
Tomographie d'émission de positrons (tep) au 18FDG et maladie occulte en cancérologie : un nouvel argument justifiant l'emploi des marqueurs tumoraux sé... We have investigated the potential of 18FDG detection to locate an occult disease in cancer patients with an isolated elevation of ...
Home > Journals > Médecine thérapeutique > Intérêt de la tomographie par émission de positron au 18F-fluorodesoxyglucose ( 18F-FDG-TEP) pour le diagnostic des fièvres et syndromes inflammatoires prolongés d’...
All patients underwent FDG-PET/CT. Seventeen hotspots were analysed. We performed a...doi:10.1016/S1169-8330(16)30287-3M. SondagX. GuillotF. VerhoevenO. BlagosklonovD. WendlingRetour Au Numéro
The prognostic value of FDG-PET still needs to be evaluated.doi:10.1007/s10269-008-0988-yE. GarinService de médecine nucléaire centre Eugène-Marquis avenue Bataille-Flandres-Dunkerque F-35042 Rennes FranceT. LesimpleService d’oncologie centre Eugène-Marquis avenue Bataille-Flandres-Dunkerque F-...
This study evaluates the F-FDG PET-CT in pre-radioembolization staging of advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma unresectable in first line. Twenty-one patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma confirmed histologically were included retrospectively. All patients underwent PET-CT and CT scan within an ...
The value of FDG-PET lies in its usefulness for the diagnosis of systemic diseases which includes a whole body analysis as well as a therapeutic evaluation. This review article will attempt to identify and illustrate the main features of this functional imaging. (C) 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. ...