18-FDG PET-scan was performed when histology was inconclusive for epithelioid granulomata and giant cells, or when CT and/or chest X-ray were normal, in cases of uveitis clinically suggestive of sarcoidosis. Hypermetabolic foci were found in all patients, in inflammatory areas with foci mainly ...
F-18-FDG PET-CTCT scanRadioembolizationIntrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma are rare biliary malignancies frequently diagnosed at non-surgical advanced stage with limited efficiency of systemic therapies. Intra-arterial therapies have become a palliative treatment in highly development for unresectable forms in the...
All patients underwent FDG-PET/CT. Seventeen hotspots were analysed. We performed a...doi:10.1016/S1169-8330(16)30287-3M. SondagX. GuillotF. VerhoevenO. BlagosklonovD. WendlingRetour Au Numéro
18F-FDG PET is currently considered to be the gold standard. 99mTc bisphonate bone scintigraphy has long been indicated to search for bone metastases but it is not know whether this exploration adds further information after an 18F-FDG PET scan. In order to answer this question, two observers...
Ainsi, au terme de ce bilanscanographique bien mené, le radiologue doit proposer une classificationscanographique TNM de la lésion. Il est possible d’avoir recours à d’autresméthodes d’imagerie, lorsque l’échographieet/ou le scanner n’apportent pas les élémentspertinents. Une IRM ...
{DFcz, }g:MYHOSTEL M MYHOST33,+;G MYHOSTA r myhostess# (vJCZyZ z/OS D53)4a0j65i Rn# (vJCZyZ z/OS D53)453zw:{ FiRn# S Pm!qz7{FT8(*iRD\\ 53`M# 20 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Tivoli Enterprise Portal C'8O tT \\53{F X*Di3{F 5 \\53{F(#kwz{`,#>}: SCAN == *...
En fait, actuellement, l’examen le plus couramment utilisé pour mettre en évidence la dégénérescence dopaminergique est la tomoscintigraphie à l’iode I123-FP-β-CIT (plus communément désigné par son nom commercial : DAT-scan®). Mais, on peut penser que l’avènement des machi...
PET ScanLung cancerStagingPrognosticEvaluationIn the space of a few years 18F-FDG PET scanning has acquired a place in the management of all stages of the clinical care of patients with lung cancer. Its contributions are being more and more precisely understood during the assessment of mediastinal...