Since the detwinning characteristics are drastically different under tension vs compression, these experiments can help shed light onto the effect of aging on recoverable strain levels. Similar to other two-phase materials[18], it has been observed that Schmid's law cannot be used to predict the...
However, the shear load is always dependent of the compression load and limited by the inclination angle. Among the very limited studies of generating multiple stress waves, Lewis and Goldsmith [26] produced a combina- tion of a compressive wave and a torsional wave from two split bars using...
plitude and vari ab le··am plitude tension··compression cyc lic loadings with a c onstan t lateral pressure. And the other was to estab lish a more reas onab le nonlinear cum ulative dam ag e mod el bas ed on the dam ag e evolu tion. 2 E x perim enta l 2.1 ...
metals Article Free Volume Contributing to the Different Yield Behaviors between Tension and Compression Deformations in Metallic Glasses Pengwei Wang, Haiyang Li and Liang Yang * College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 210016 Nanjing, China; wang...
Background: Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most prevalent primary headache. Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) reflect the pressure pain sensitivity of the tissues. Women with TTH have showed greater pressure hypersensitivity in some muscles compared to
Then, the monolayer was subjected to continuous compression with a glass barrier to obtain π-A isotherms. However, glass is a hydrophilic material that does not allow phospholipids to pass under its barrier. The surface tension results were expressed as the surface pressure vs. area per molecule...
(σ22 + σ33)2 4S223 + τ223 − σ22σ23 S223 + τ122 + τ123 S122 =1 The matrix stiffness degradation criterion used in this paper is as follows [24]: Tensile cracking of matrix: E22 = 0.2E22, G12 = 0.2G12, G23 = 0.2G23 Compression cracking matrix: E22 = 0.4E22,...