surface tensionbrute force of turbulencescaleable microchannel‐based processintensificationmonolithsgas–liquid dispersionphysical adsorption of oxygenThis chapter contains sections titleddoi:10.1002/9783527610600.ch6Kreutzer, Michiel TUniversity of Technology, Reactor/Cat. Engineering Group, Julianalaan 136, 2628...
A sharp increase in the resistance to further compression at the interface (attributed to a monolayer formation) occurred at an area of 8000 Å2 per molecule for hemoglobin S compared to 5000 Å2 per molecule for hemoglobin A. The greater area per molecule suggests a greater degree of ...
we applied the equation of Laplace force to a thin epithelial strip that moves inwards perpendicular to its surface (seeSupplementary Note). Inertia being negligible with respect to viscous energy dissipation
It was found that upon compression in the region of the LE/LC (liquid-expanded/liquid-condensed) phase transition domains are not formed when the atmosphere above the monolayer was saturated with fluorocarbon gases. The adsorption dynamics of some phospholipids from aqueous solutions or dispersions ...
Moreover, malignant transformation of the breast is associated with dramatic changes in gland tension that include elevated compression forces, high tensional resistance stresses and increased extracellular matrix stiffness. Chronically increased mammary gland tension may influence tumor growth, perturb tissue...
TBW is a simple, low-cost technique that relies on the principle of converting posterior tension into joint compression force and is the most widely used technique for displaced, non-comminuted olecranon fractures [6,7,8]. However, the incidence of complications associated with TBW is high (up...
a, A DNA molecule is stretched between beads held in a micropipette and a force-measuring optical trap12. The measured extension is the sum of contributions from the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) segments. b, Force versus extension for dsDNA and ssDNA molecules,...
Alternately, if the subplate exerted outward force on regions of the cortical plate destined to become gyral crowns8,9,10, radial compression would be expected below gyri. In both cases, predicted stresses are inconsistent with the patterns of tension observed experimentally and in the present ...
We present a novel constitutive model capable of describing non-linear anisotropic fibre-reinforced materials with different responses in tension and compression under a general stress state. The model is based on the original one-dimensional Ramberg–Osgood model, which is generalized to a multiaxial ...
Compared with tension dwell, compression dwell is found to be more detrimental and could further reduce the lifetime by up to 60%. Tension and compression dwell are seen to cause a thicker and thinner gauge length, respectively. Tension dwell causes the formation of creep pinholes at the ...