Phase dependence of tensile strength of ultra low carbon, low carbon and middle carbon steel samples during and after solidification has been studied by a high temperature tensile test. The experimental technique enabled the sample to melt and solidify without a crucible, and measure a minute load...
Variation of tensile strength and elastic limit due to tempering at low temperature on quenched medium carbon steel低温焼きもどしによる焼入れ中炭素鋼の引張... Although elastic limit and tensile strength are essential for mechanical strength design, the measurement of high hardness materials is a ...
Designation: A283/A283M − 18Standard Specif i cation forLow and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A283/A283M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revisio...
Influence of Longitudinal Oscillation on Tensile Properties of Medium Carbon Steel Welds of Different Thickness Test specimens 8mm, 10mm and 12mm thick were tested and yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, percentage of elongation, breaking strength, impact strength and hardness were determined. Metal...
The UFG steel containing the alloying elements exhibited superior tensile properties, which was attributed to the enhanced strain hardening rate by the imbedded finer particles. Subsequent annealing induced growth of grains and particles, which also recovered elongation at the expense of strength. All ...
A chemical analysis of the material (SC450 steel) that was obtained from the undamaged part of the table liner is given in Table 1. Table 2 shows the mechanical properties of SC450 steel. The used material has good yield strength, tensile strength and elongation which fall under the ...
The effects of quenching temperature and tempering temperature on the ratio of yield strength to tensile strength (yield ratio) in a medium carbon Cr-Ni-Mo ultra high strength steel have been investigated. After quenching and tempering at 200℃, the yield ratio first decreases and then increases...
Low carbon steel having a tensile strength of 450 MPa and a shear strength of 270 MPa is cut in a turning operation with a cutting speed of 2500 mm/s. The feed is 0.15 mm/rev, and the depth of cut is 0.25 cm. The rak...
申请(专利权)人: BETHLEHEM STEEL CORP 发明人: G Roe 摘要: 1500758 Controlled rolled low carbon steel BETHLEHEM STEEL CORP 8 April 1975 [3 May 1974] 14348/75 Heading C7A A low carbon high yield strength alloy steel of composition:- C 004-007% V 0-01% Mn 1-16% Ti 0-003% S 0-...
CARBON 1040 STEEL STRUCTURAL PLATE equivalent to EN8/080M40. An unalloyed medium carbon steel. AISI 1040 is a medium strength steel with good tensile strength. Suitable for shafts, stressed pins, studs, keys etc. 1040 must be pre-heated to 300 to 500 degrees F befor...