But if the ball hits a vertical side it is "out" (not good). Additionally, when playing doubles, the centre line is regarded as part of each right half-court, so if the ball hits the centre line when serving, it is "in" (good)....
Foul serves out and has no ball Foul shot technical foul G 游戏局(1 局为四分) 巨人杀手巨人杀手 良好的球好球 好的回报有效回击 截击位置抢穿孔位置 满垒全垒打指温布尔顿/美国/法国/澳大利亚公开四大赛事开放 基层法院草地网球场 握握拍姿势/握拍法 地面球落地球 地面斯托克击触地球,...
Let − Chair umpire calls ‘Let’ when a player’s serve is good but the ball touches net strap before reaching the opponent. In such case, the serving player gets another chance to serve. Let is not a fault until it is not repeated. It also doesn’t discard any service foul made ...
As the ball is falling, the server is supposed to hit it with his racket so that it bounces first his court and then, after passing over the net assembly, touches the opponent's side. If the ball touches the net when serving, it means that the service is to be repeated. After ...
Here are some clear examples of serves that fall foul of the first 2 rules: Hand over the playing surface Palm not open Hand below the table Holding the ball with the fingers Instead, your serve should start with the following position. Note that slightly cupped hand is acceptable to prevent...
double foul 双方犯规 dribble 运球 foul shot 罚球 free throw 罚球 free throw lane 罚球区 free throw line 罚球线 full-court press 全场紧逼 goal 投篮 guard 后卫 hack 打手犯规 足球 football, soccer, Association football 足球 field, pitch 足球场 ...
There have been many instances when my opponent either serving or receiving has called let but then asked for mine or umpires confirmation and my answer always is you thought it was a let and called it so fair enough it’s a let. Reactions: lodro, PingBirdPong, dajdosta and 1 other ...
As soon as the server has deliberately thrown the ball upwards, the ball is "in play", so if the server does not make contact with the ball, or otherwise makes a foul serve, he loses the point.See these two pages for more information... www.allabouttabletennis.com/rules-of-table-...
The receiver, however, can return it by hitting it over the net and into the opponent’s half of the table. If the player attempts to return the ball before it bounces, a foul is called. In singles competition, while the service rule allows the server to serve to any ...