그 중에는 Blade 공식 매뉴얼도 포함됩니다. https://laravel.kr/docs/9.x/blade#conditional-classes Contributor Author eondcom commented Dec 19, 2023 마치 레시피는 있지만 음식 샘플이 있으면 더 편하게 음식을 고를 수 ...
文档内容laravelDevTemplatDoc 常见问题解决点这里 后台账号密码:admin@admin.com123456 安装 1.执行命令(安装依赖) composer install 2.复制.env cp .env.example .env 3.配置key php artisan key:generate 4.编辑.env,配置数据库等信息 5.生成数据库和填充数据 ...
三级关系的种子-Laravel模型工厂 您可以简单地使用has而不是hasInvoices。 Property::factory()->has( Lease::factory()->has( Invoice::factory()->has( InvoiceLine::factory()->count(3), )->count(1) )->count(2))->count(1)->create(); ...
Admin One is a simple, beautiful, and free Laravel admin dashboard (built with Vue.js, Bulma & Buefy). Besides, it includes the following features: Built for Laravel 9 Vue 2 Fully-styled auth scaffolding Profile & avatar management with back-end Also, full Resource CRUD Sample (with front...
注意:对于 RTL,请从右上方导航栏的语言选项中选择阿拉伯语。 你得到了什么 Next Laravel Generation 8+ – Neptune 建立在最新版本的 Laravel 之上 积极维护 – 随着时间的推移,我们将继续向该软件
为构建生产Laravel的应用程序public文件夹。 它在生产模式下正确捆绑了React,并优化了构建以获得最佳性能。 生成被最小化,并且文件名包括哈希值。 您的应用已准备好进行部署! 有关更多信息,请参见关于的部分。 yarn eject 注意:这是单向操作。 eject ,您将无法返回! 如果您对构建工具和配置选择不满意,则可以随时...
Core Plus is an admin template with neat code. Laravel app can be created using Laravel Spark Skin and Laravel blade files to speed up the app developed in Laravel.
admin template 关键词的所有扩展包,罗列所有 Laravel 开源扩展包,支持按 Github Star 数量或者下载数量排序。
Multiple Admin Dashboard Templates CSS3 & HTML5 Clean & minimal design Cross-browser tested & optimized Full-width layouts Gulp based workflow Opinionated code formatter Prettier for a consistent codebase Modular markup based on Cards & Utility classes ...
Vue Material Admin Template with a Laravel Backend "Vue Material Laravel Template is a web application template made with Vuetify and Laravel (8) as a backend. Use it to quickly build any type of web application like a BI app, admin panel, or any SaaS app. Vue Material Laravel Template ...