Sneat Free Vuetify Vuejs 3 Laravel 10 Admin Template is a highly customizable and versatile administrative dashboard designed for developers and businesses. Built with the latest Vue.js 3, Vuetify 3, and Laravel 10, this admin template offers a modern, clean, and professional design that is bo...
Vuexy – Laravel Vue Admin Dashboard Template– is advanced among all bootstrap Vue admin templates. Besides, this template is highly responsive, clean, and well structured. Vuexy bootstrap Vue admin template is laced with Vuejs, HTML (bootstrap 4), PHP (laravel 8) and React (reactstrap),...
<!-- for head --> @section('head') @include('') <!-- something here --> @endsection <!-- for foot --> @section('foot') @include('laravel-sb-admin-template::partials.script') <!-- something here --> @endsection...
⚡ Laravel 11, 10, 9, 8 + SB Admin 2 templatelaraveldashboardfreesb-admin-2 UpdatedNov 8, 2024 PHP juicyfx/vercel-examples Star326 Code Issues Pull requests 📦 Example projects using Vercel platform. Using Node.js, PHP and others. ...
以下是对 "coreui-free-vue-laravel-admin-template" 的详细描述: "coreui-free-vue-laravel-admin-template" 是一个基于 Laravel 和 Vue.js 的免费 Bootstrap 主题的后台管理模板。它使用 CoreUI 主题,提供了一个现代化的、易于使用的界面,适合构建各种类型的后台管理系统。该模板具有响应式设计,支持移动设备...
Next Laravel Generation 8+ – Neptune 建立在最新版本的 Laravel 之上 积极维护 – 随着时间的推移,我们将继续向该软件包添加新功能。欢迎提出要求和反馈! 广泛的文档——全面了解模板必须提供的内容,并立即获取必要的信息,了解项目和主题的结构如何与 PHP Laravel 框架一起使用。 客户支持 – 专门的团队随时待命,...
为构建生产Laravel的应用程序public文件夹。 它在生产模式下正确捆绑了React,并优化了构建以获得最佳性能。 生成被最小化,并且文件名包括哈希值。 您的应用已准备好进行部署! 有关更多信息,请参见关于的部分。 yarn eject 注意:这是单向操作。 eject ,您将无法返回! 如果您对构建工具和配置选择不满意,则可以随时...
Core Plus is an admin template with neat code. Laravel app can be created using Laravel Spark Skin and Laravel blade files to speed up the app developed in Laravel.
Sneat Bootstrap 5 HTML Laravel Admin Template– is the most developer-friendly & highly customizable Laravel Admin Template based onLaravel 10andBootstrap 5. If you’re a developer looking for the latestLaravel admindashboard that is developer-friendly, rich with features, and highly customizable ...
DOCTYPEhtml>@yield('title') | Minia - Laravel 10 & TailwindCss Admin & Dashboard Template<!-- App favicon --><!-- css files -->@include('layouts.head-css')<!-