temp的next域, 就是指向temp的下一个节点的 这两个概念没什么区别。
//插入位置在r之后temp t-next:/将t->next临时保存在temp中/插入数据重新设置r的位置r->next ni1//重新设置t的位置//插入位置在q、p
"By the end of the next week we had four temps out working" says Gill. Gill Cooke Personnel celebrates 30 years in the town What's more, NPR is under no obligation to offer a temp a permanent job, even after years of employment. At NPR, an army of temps and a workplace full of...
17.Next week's upside-down U.S. weather pattern could send temps 24 degrees above normal here but 7 to 16 degrees below normal in Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Diego and Los Angeles. 18.I’m not her official apprentice—like she said, I’m just a temp—but I have nothing better to do...