We provide high quality, smooth surface molybdenum grid, (Mo grid), which is the best grid in the world for 2-D crystals study of cryo-EM.
GSB50 and GSB100 TEM Grid Boxes Multi Purpose EM Grid Boxes BEEM® Dial-A-Grid and Block Holder Module PELCO® TEM Grid Vacuum Desiccator TEM Calibration Grid Holder GSB-100 Storage Boxes for FIB Lift Out Grids FIB Grid Box for Lift-Out Grids or Half Grids NEW PELCO® FIB Grid Stor...
TEM Grid Tweezers Cryo-EM Supplies Quantifoil® Substrates AutoGrid Rings & C-clips Cryo Grid Boxes Substratec™ TEM Metallic Substrates Grid Pads for Staining & Holding Grids TEM Grid Staining Chemicals PELCO® 22510 Grid Staining Matrix System PELCO® TEM Grid Holder Blocks TEM Calibration...
A recent study from the University of York showcases how 200 kV cryo-TEM can be used for the MicroED analysis of single crystal organometallics. Specifically, single crystal to single crystal (SC-SC) transformations, performed on grid, can be used to generate and characterize otherwise highly re...
Preferred solution for metallurgy and when working with inserts Sample size up to 32 mm diameter and 30 mm height View product Download datasheet Micro Tool Sample Holder Quick and fast clamping Tilting and rotation allow for easy sample positioning No extra tooling required for sample loading View...
Preferred solution for metallurgy and when working with inserts Sample size up to 32 mm diameter and 30 mm height Download datasheet Micro Tool Sample Holder Quick and fast clamping Tilting and rotation allow for easy sample positioning No extra tooling required for sample loading ...
A cryo-transfer specimen- holder (EM-CTH 11, JEOL Ltd.) was used to cool and crystallize the specimen in the TEM column. The speci- men temperature was controlled to be -25°C for NR, at which the growing rate of the a-filaments in an NR thin film was reported to be approximately...
After loading the Cu nanowires with KHCO3 electrolyte (0.1 M, saturated by CO2) onto the bottom grid, it is assembled with the top grid to form an electrochemical PLC. When it is loaded into a TEM electric biasing holder, an electrical potential can be applied to study the ESLI. ...
nitrogen slush Word 可编辑 the sample and its holder in boiling nitrogen 手柄 凹槽 20 Word 可编辑 Preparation of samples for cryo-SEM 2)冷冻切割 (在高真空的箱中手工操作 ) 在高真空下,用充分冷却(-100℃)的刀片快速切 削样品,切削时样品形成一个切削的断面,且从断面 上露出表面结构,冰从切面升华...
Preferred solution for metallurgy and when working with inserts Sample size up to 32 mm diameter and 30 mm height View product Download datasheet Micro Tool Sample Holder Quick and fast clamping Tilting and rotation allow for easy sample positioning No extra tooling required for sample loading View...