Being primarily interested in astronomical observation with telescopes, I’ve never really been in to spotting scopes. To me, they’re neither fish nor fowl, lying somewhere in that no-man’s-land between telescopes and binoculars. The only spotting scope proper that I’ve ever really had was...
I’m new to star gazing and the equipment needed. I am needing some help on identifying what I have and where I might find a manual. Any help will be greatly appreciated. A couple of days ago I was at an estate sale and was looking at a telescope when the guy ask if I had seen...
KW has done alright by me in the past. I haven't bought anything from Markarian for a little while now but that's because I haven't needed to buy very much and the handful of things I needed were from companies they don't carry. I did make a big (for me anyways) purchase of a...
This one cracked me up for some reason... Poor TelescopeThis guy likes to get his subject matter front and center doesn't he? Mike Really works hard to get the most out of that sale, ... right? My favorite CL ads are where they do a rotten picture, "trash talk" the scope, ...
When I find Edmund Scientific scopes (my favorite) they can be mistaken for junk to the average person. These Edmund instruments have got themselves in an temporary embarrassing predicament and it's up to me to put them back on their feet, give them a normal life again. ...
pieces can be changed out, but I have no reason to put other things there really. Regular flocking is better to change things out. Just a tip for those who hate messing with the Unitron size tube when it comes to keeping eyepieces from falling out as much as me. Tape is a pain.. ...
rotating ring with jb weld and I wanted to test it out,so far so good. The tube itself has some moderate damage near where the finder was and a few other dings which I need to attend to and I do believe I'll paint it because although it's beautiful to me it also looks like ...
My dad grew up on a farm near Hubbard OH and always said he walked two miles to school in another state, snow or shine. #5059 Paul Sweeney Surveyor 1 Posts: 1,512 Joined: 19 Feb 2018 Loc: Heidelberg, Germany Posted 12 January 2025 - 04:46 PM On Friday I picked up this C8...
lot was $350. ( I didn't see the pointer to the CL ad until just after starman876 indicated you were already on your way ... suggesting there was no point in me contacting the seller to make the purchase. Was looking forward to hearing all the details from you here in the near fu...
Beautiful telescope. But so specialized for its time that I doubt it will fetch near the prices hoped. Like the C-8 on the Schaefer mount from a few months back. Perfect for film astrophotography in the early 80s. Not so much today. It's still for sale. ...