The seller seemed to be more of a random item seller and I suspect they picked it up at an auction or surplus sale. The extra ID sticker numbers on the tube and case makes me think it was from a school or university. The seller definitely didn’t know what they had as they never l...
The weakest part on the Orion refractor is undoubtedly the cheap plastic cell that holds the objective lens, which I was shocked to discover when I first examined the optical tube upon arrival; but to be fair I cannot ask more for the money, and in practice the cell ha...
There is currently no other consumer on device on the market that offers both plate solving and Go2 along with everything necessary to capture and display an image. (the Celestron Starsense apparently uses plate solving and while the telescopes they attach them to are as cheap as s...
but that is not a classic. There is never any classics in my area other than 60mm junk like a Tasco or some cheap Jason. I just don't like 60mm scopes with .965OD eyepieces. Never seen a Unitron for sale local other than a