答案 mobile phone number 手机号 telephone number 电话号相关推荐 1mobile phone number和telephone number有什么区别?反馈 收藏
两个词语主要在于“telephone”和“phone”的区别。 phone 是喇叭的意思,是用听筒代表电话. telephone 有希腊语词头tele,是远程的意思.可以远程传话的话筒就是电话,由于电话使用率远远高于其他话筒,所以在没有歧义的情况下可以用phone代指telephone。 现在phone还可以代指mobilephone(手机),另外mobile phone 和 cellphone...
Mobile Telephone Number 选择语言:从中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语丹麦语匈牙利语希伯来语波斯语挪威语乌尔都语罗马尼亚语土耳其语波兰语到中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语丹麦语匈牙利语...
PidTagMobileTelephoneNumber 规范属性 PidTagNextSendAcct 规范属性 PidTagNickname 规范属性 PidTagNonDeliveryReportDiagCode 规范属性 PidTagNonDeliveryReportFromEntryId 规范属性 PidTagNonDeliveryReportFromName 规范属性 PidTagNonDeliveryReportFromSearchKey 规范属性 ...
NumberOfMembersAvailable NumberOfMembersWithConflict NumberOfMembersWithNoData NumberOfOccurrences Occurrence Occurrence (Time Zone Transition) OccurrenceDate OccurrenceItemId OfficeLocation OfficeLocations Offset OldFolderId OldItemId OldParentFolderId OnlineMeetingSettings OofSettings OofState OpenAsAdminOrSystemSer...
androidiosmobiletypescriptreact-nativewebinputphone-numberphonecountrynumberinternationaltelephoneflagscountry-pickerphone-inputmask-inputcellphonereact-hook-form UpdatedFeb 17, 2025 JavaScript patw0929/react-intl-tel-input Star285 Rewrite International Telephone Input in React.js. (Looking for maintainers, and...
PURPOSE: A method for managing a telephone number in a mobile communication system is provided to retrieve a telephone number stored in an SMSC(Short Message Service Center) by the Internet or another telephone when a user is absent by transmitting a telephone number and a name of a registered...
Mobile telephone conversations in public places are often annoying to bystanders. Previous work has focused on the psychological and social causes for this, but has not examined the possible role of properties of the communication channel. In our paper \u22Do Bystanders and Dialog Participants Differ...
Invocation-Id ipHostNumber ipNetmaskNumber ipNetworkNumber ipProtocolNumber Ipsec-Data Ipsec-Data-Type Ipsec-Filter-Reference Ipsec-ID Ipsec-ISAKMP-Reference Ipsec-Name IPSEC-交涉-原則-動作 Ipsec-交涉-原則參考 IPSEC-交涉-原則類型 Ipsec-NFA-Reference Ipsec-Owners-Reference Ipsec-Policy-Reference ipServic...
Telephone Number - Informationpage to edit the information that appears in the Summary pageInformationsection. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. Note: The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the enti...