使用以下正则表达式映射将正确的国家/地区代码名称和国家/地区代码号码发送到 Workday。 可以使用 telphoneNumber 或 mobile 作为源属性。 以下示例使用telephoneNumber。 此处的所有表达式都使用 Replace 函数。WorkphoneLandlineNumber 或 WorkphoneMobileNumber 的映射示例...
TelephonyManager telManager = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);/** 获取SIM卡的IMSI码 * SIM卡唯一标识:IMSI 国际移动用户识别码(IMSI:International Mobile Subscriber Identification Number)是区别移动用户的标志, * 储存在SIM卡中,可用于区别移动用户的有效信息。IM...
PrimaryWorkTelephonetelephoneNumber创建 + 更新 FaxfacsimileTelephoneNumber创建 + 更新 Mobilemobile创建 + 更新 LocalReferencepreferredLanguage创建 + 更新 Switch([Municipality], "OU=Default Users,DC=contoso,DC=com", "Dallas", "OU=Dallas,OU=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com", "Austin", "OU=Austin,OU=Users,...
Whoscallis a mobile app that provides caller identification services, helping users to check private numbers and block spam. Key features include real-time caller ID, nuisance call blocking, manual number lookup, and a community reporting system. It also offers offline capabilities for identifying no...
Forrásattribútumként használhatja a telphoneNumber vagy a mobile függvényt. Az alábbi példák a telephoneNumber függvényt használják. Itt minden kifejezés a Csere függvényt használja.Példa a WorkphoneLandlineNumber vagy a WorkphoneMobileNumber leképezésére...
Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre ausgehende Anrufer-ID festlegen, warum Ihre Anrufer-ID den Kunden möglicherweise nicht korrekt angezeigt wird und wie Sie Labels wie „Spam“ und „Telemarketer“ vermeiden.
Entry (PhoneNumber) Entry (PhysicalAddress) Error Errors ErrorCode ErrorCode (int) ErrorCode (ItemIndexErrorType) ErrorDescription ErrorMessage ErrorMessage (NonIndexableItemStatisticType) ErrorSubscriptionIds EventData EventDescription EventType EventTypes ExceptionFieldURI Exceptions ExchangeImpersonation Exchang...
We conducted research between January and March 2023, that showed CNAM was seen by fewer than 7% of users. This is due to changes within support for mobile providers and due to the migration to app-based reputation mechanisms. All existing CNAM configurations set up before March 2023, are sti...
Free Caller ID, Call Blocker, Call Recorder app that allows mobile users to block phone calls, identify calls, blacklist unwanted callers and much more.
{1:false}","isBoss":false,"hiredDate": 1520265600000,"isSenior":false,"tel": "010-88996533","department": [1,2],"workPlace": "北京市朝阳区","email": "ceshi@aliyun.com","orderInDepts": "{1:71738366882504}","dingId": "$:LWCP_v1:$aTPvVHhhsCMtDZRQ1xbYGg==","mobile": "...