Iris TelehealthacquiresinnovaTelby Quartet.Iris specializes in providing behavioral health services to health systems and community health clinics. innovaTel adds telepsychiatry staffing through its national network of qualified psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and licensed clinical social workers....
Incorporating a Psychiatric Telehealth Simulation in a Family Nurse Practitioner CurriculumThe prevalence of mental health disorders in primary care is high and challenges related to the COVID pandemic warrant further training of the family nurse practitioner. A telehealth simulation learning experience that...
Some respondents thought that the substitution of telehealth for in-person treatment “saved lives,”“kept our patients out of the ED and psychiatric hospital,” and was an “incredible lifeline” to clients. One respondent stated that increased accessibility over the telephone was beneficial for ...
The American Telemedicine Association (ATA), ATA Action, and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) plus 69 other healthcare groups have written the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make the temporary waiver of in-person patient ...
Not many drug approvals warrant anFDA press release, but this one did and deservedly so.TheUS Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a version of the psychiatric drug Abilify (aripiprazole) equipped with theProteus Digital Healthingestible tracking system.Abilify MyCitehas been approved for th...