Teleflora Kensington Gardens Bouquet #T0441 $119.95 Heavenly Harmony Bouquet #TW514 $114.95 Country Picnic Bouquet #T5101 $114.95 A Little Pink Me Up Bouquet #T0103 $109.95 FTD Stunning Beauty Bouquet #4839D $109.95 True To You Flowers Bouquet #T5851 $99.95 Purest Love Bouquet #TV...
Spoil your crush with this pretty floral arrangement of red and lavender roses, carnations, purple chrysanthemums, lavender and huckleberry that arrives in a unique swirling red ceramic vase with a metallic finish. TELEFLORA’S YOUNG AT HEART BOUQUET(available on for $54.95) Remind he...
The Spring Tulip Pitcher Bouquet has lit up my life. I love that when the flowers are gone, I will still have a beautiful Pitcher, to serve beverages at Summer Picnics. Pour on the charm! Inspired by vintage American pottery, this hand-painted, tulip-shaped pitcher is a pretty way to ...