Make someone's day with this dazzling array of miniature roses, Gerbera daisies, asters, carnations, spray chrysanthemums, stock, or similar seasonal favorites in pretty pink, lavender, and hot pink tones. Great for a birthday, anniversary, thanks, and Mother's Day, too! Approximately 22 to ...
TELEFLORA’S MAD CRUSH BOUQUET(available on for $54.95) Spoil your crush with this pretty floral arrangement of red and lavender roses, carnations, purple chrysanthemums, lavender and huckleberry that arrives in a unique swirling red ceramic vase with a metallic finish. TELEFLORA’S Y...
The Spring Tulip Pitcher Bouquet has lit up my life. I love that when the flowers are gone, I will still have a beautiful Pitcher, to serve beverages at Summer Picnics. Pour on the charm! Inspired by vintage American pottery, this hand-painted, tulip-shaped pitcher is a pretty way to ...