For all that wacky dialogue, this era of Teen Titans is still a lot of enjoyable fun, and not just for how the characters speak the lingo. How can you not love a comic that whips out a Nessie ex machina to rescue Aqualad from imprisonment in a Loch Ness tower? Bless Bob Haney, and...
Fans of Cartoon Networks “Teen Titans Go” can now bring the fun of the show into their playrooms with Imaginext’s new “Teen Titans Go” line of figures and play sets. At the center of the series is the Teen Titans Tower a, multi tiered play set which features transforming couch la...
Tensions run high in Titans (2023) #18 - written by John Layman, with art by Pete Woods –as the Titans are forced out of their tower in Blüdhaven and must go underground. Raven, normally stoic and controlled, reacts especially poorly to the change, snapping at her teammates in a ...
Words and PicturesWorkingman's DeathWorkshop, TheWorld, TheWorld Trade CenterWorld Unseen, TheWorld War ZWorld's End, TheWorld's Fastest Indian, TheWorld's Greatest DadWrath of the TitansWreck-It RalphWreckedWrestler, TheWristcutters: A Love StoryWritersWuthering HeightsWyatt EarpWyrmwoodX Games ...
Terra returns to Titans Tower a while after the events of "Terra", claiming that she would now like to accept their offer and become an official member of the Teen Titans. The Titans, exempting Raven, are excited to see her, but are still reluctant to allow her the offer, questioning ...
In crossword game parlance, a `hook' is a letter that can be added to a word to form another word. (`S' is a hook for `HOOK' because `SHOOK' is a word.) An `anahook' is a letter that can be added to a word (or more generally any set of letters) to make an anagram of...