In "Shrimps and Prime Rib", Cyborg and Starfire happily make some paper dolls to cover a camera inside The Brain's Headquarters. In "Booby Trap House", Cyborg and Starfire not only enjoy making bird sounds, but they are also insane enough to plant the whole tower with dangerous booby tr...
…but the ad he’s pointing to on the inside back cover is this: …which features only Action Comics Weekly, Power of the Atom and The Wanderers. What I was wondering…was there a separate coupon just for New Teen Titans bound into the comic at this point (seems unlikely), or…if yo...
DC Studios Update: Two ‘Batman’ Movies, a Possible ‘Teen Titans’ Film and ‘Penguin’ Season 2, and Why James Gunn Posted a Photo With Zack Snyder “Whoa, déjà vu,” exclaimed DC Studios co-chief Peter Safran as he stepped inside a modest screening room on the Warner Bros. studio...
Teen Titans Go! Smashy Pinata brings you a fun and exciting adventure! This time, you must accompany our beloved Teen Titans superheroes on a sweet journey. A piñata in the middle of the stage is ready for you to hit it the number of times necessary to get all the gold inside. Beat...
Robin (real name Richard John "Dick" Grayson) is the main central character of the Teen Titans series. He is the leader and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans. Before that, he was trained by, and served as the sidekick to Batman. He is a
In one goof scene in the episode "Kole", she is seen moving inside her bubble entrapment while in crystal form. Characters Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted. Noel Haynes II·6/2/2024 Copy Link I wish that we got to see Kole and Gnarrk's origin story, ...
When he merged with Titans Tower, he had a cannon on his left shoulder and his hands. This caused the lights in the tower to shut down. Weaknesses: Half-Machine- Being half machine also comes with it's downsides. For one, electricity can be a problem for him, weather that is ...
In DC's Future State the Teen Titans are a broken team, and Raven trains in a Danger Room-like simulator inside a criminal's mind.
INSIDE Deep ThroatInside I'm Dancing (aka: Rory O'Shea Was Here)Inside JobInside Llewyn DavisInside ManInside OutInsider, TheInsidiousInsidious Chapter 2Insidious: Chapter 3Insidious: The Last KeyInspector BellamyInstant FamilyIntermissionIntern, TheIntern AcademyInternational, TheInternet's Own Boy: ...
Robin losses his mask during a fight and must get back to the tower to get his backup mask. The rest of the Titans want to see him without the mask very badly. So after all the begging, pleading, try to guess what he looks like without the mask and other things, Robin takes off ...