演讲题目:Why sitting is bad for you 演讲简介: 短暂坐下可以帮助我们从压力中恢复或从运动中恢复过来。但如今,我们的生活方式让我们坐着的时间比走动的时间要多得多。我们的身体是为这样久坐的存在而建造的吗?Murat Dalkilinç 调查了久坐的潜在风险,并分享给我...
【TED-0611】Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç(05:04) Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or recuperate from exercise. But nowadays, our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around. Are our bodies built for such a sedentary existence?
题目: Why sitting is bad for you 演讲者: Murat Dalkilinc Right now, you're probably sitting down to watch this video and staying seated for a few minutes to view it is probably okay. But the longer you stay put, the more agitated your body becomes. It sits there counting down the mo...
Even young, energetic kids are not immune to the dangers of sitting too long. Though they have the advantage of recess during the day and some play sports, many may be sitting for up to7.5 hours a day, time spent sitting in class, on the bus, doing homework and using the computer or...
(TED演讲视频)久坐的危害Why sitting is bad for you 168播放 YG祖传不仅祖传虚势,还祖传炮嘴。咱说贵司rapper的嘴 着急还吗? 5.8万播放 【SJ】别家在争五拉一时 我家已经全是main rapper了 29.1万播放 【权志龙】视频的特效style还得是你龙哥😎 6130播放 祝大家度过一个“气氛很好”的2023 5.0万播放 油画...
2015-02-27 Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilin?.mp4 2015-03-02 How does the thyroid manage your metabolism - Emma Bryce.mp4 2015-03-02 Learning from smallpox - How to eradicate a disease - Julie Garon and.mp4 2015-03-03 How parasites change their host's behavior - Jaap de...
for years, i had existed safely behind the scenes in politics as a fundraiser, as an organizer, but in my heart, i always wanted to run. the sitting congresswoman had been in my district since 1992. she had never lost a race, and no one...
演讲题目:Why sitting is bad for you 演讲简介: 短暂坐下可以帮助我们从压力中恢复或从运动中恢复过来。但如今,我们的生活方式让我们坐着的时间比走动的时间要多得多。我们的身体是为这样久坐的存在而建造的吗?Murat Dalkilinç 调查了久坐的潜在风险,并分享给我们。
It may be antiquated now, but the old pearl of wisdom: “Don’t sit too close to the TV” was good advice in the 1960s. SciShow explains.
You can see why this study freaked me out. Here I've been spending so much energy telling people stress is bad for your health. So this study got me wondering: Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier? And here the science says yes. When you change your mind about ...