This bravery I'm talking about might even be better understood if you look at the smaller moments of injury in family life when there's not really an answer, or it might be your fault, or it might remind you of something you'd rather...
They can have loads of sex. And they've got both the water bottles, the normal water and the drugged water. But here's the fascinating thing: In Rat Park, they don't like the drug water. They almost never use...
The show takes us all the way back to the 90s. By Josh Philips May 20, 2022 ‘Ted’ TV Show Receives Straight-to-Series Order at Peacock Seth MacFarlane is also in talks to reprise the title voice role of the foul-mouthed teddy bear. By Ross Bonaime Jun 10, 2021 TEDxHollywood ...
They can have loads of sex. And they've got both the water bottles, the normal water and the drugged water. But here's the fascinating thing: In Rat Park, they don't like the drug water. They almost never use it. None of them ever use it compulsively. None of them ever overdose....
John Bennett, a man whose childhood wish of bringing his teddy bear to life came true, now must decide between keeping the relationship with the bear, Ted or his girlfriend, Lori. Read more: Plot summary | Synopsis Director Seth MacFarlane Writers Seth MacFarlane (screenplay by) (story ...
And it goes like this. It's by a guy called Yuan Zhen. "I cannot bear to put away the bamboo sleeping mat. The night I brought you home, I watched you roll it out." He became hooked on a sleeping mat, probably because of elevated activity of dopamine in his brain, just like wit...
Itaintthepostofficedownthere,Susan. 这些东西又不会自己跑过来 Thisstuffdoesntjustshowuponitsown. 这是有原因的 Thereseffortinvolved. 也许可以买hearts;hearts;一个那种甜甜圈枕头 Mightgetoneofthoseoneofthosedoughnutpillows. 不你知道吗 No.Youknowwhat? 你没资格听 Youdontgettohearaboutit. 嘿 Hey! 是你许...
Ialwayswantedtosmokeweedwithateddybear. 给老子点上 Signmeup. 我一直想和泰迪熊一块吸我的注意缺陷多动障碍药 IalwayswantedtosnortmyADHDmedswithateddybear. 你要是想求助那就找错人了 Ifthatsacryforhelp,yougotthewrongguy. 好耶 Yeah! 好啦孩子们 AIIrighty,kids. 你们保重万圣节快乐哟 Youtakecarenow...
It was released on January 11 and has already become the most popular original series in Peacock’s history, with multiple clips from the show going viral for being surprisingly clever. The series is set in 1993, with Ted the teddy bear having gained sentience from a wishing star and alread...
Thatstheguy. 可不就是他嘛 FuckingGoddamnrighthewas. 表演结束后他来到后台 Andheactuallycamebackstageaftertheshow 走到我身边我现在还能看见他的那张脸 andhewalkeduptomeandIcanstilseehisface 他说我很喜欢你们的表演 andhesaid,Ireallyenjoyedtheshow. 你们都太棒了 Youwereallwonderful 我当时就我天这完美一...