Jointhe Black Dog campaign and find out more about how you can help to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness. join Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending content. ...
And the other thing that happened is that a science developed, a science of mental illness. That we found out that we could take fuzzy concepts like depression, alcoholism, and measure them with rigor. That we could create a classification of the mental illnesses. That we could understand ...
The friends you could go to in case of a serious setback, like you had a mental health illness, who could you go talk to? Twenty five years ago, people listed three friends. But now it’s different. Now we hav...
事实上,她成功离开医院近三十年了。她在Ted上分享了自己身为精神分裂症患者的切身感受,希望以此能让更多的人们能够以正确客观的态度来对待精神病人。 TED官方页面如下,有中文字幕,中文演讲稿赞 ... Jeff Hawkins: How brain science will change computing Treo creator Jeff Hawkins urges us to take a new look at the brain -- to see it not as a fast processor, but as a memory system that stores and plays back...
"Adam is always talking to me to make sure I'm not depressed or anxious. He never talks to me about work or my career." So after that I changed a bit what I talk to people about.Now, I'm not saying that if you...
2022年12月9日,在国内知名的类TED新知分享平台“一刻talks”先见·未来大会2022上,北京大学第六医院主任医师马弘开创了一刻talks讲台上的又一个"第一"——第一位登上一刻talks的精神科医师。 精神科医生在中国可以说是“稀缺物种”,14亿的人口,仅有区区约3万名登记在册的精神科医师。而在繁忙的医生工作之余,马...
TED Talk Lessons are created by TED-Ed using phenomenal TED Talks. Do you have an idea for a lesson? Create it now using any video from YouTube » Meet The Creators Speaker Thomas Insel More from Mind Matters 04:59 Psychology How some friendships last — and others don’t Lesson ...
One of the most stunning moments witnessed on the TED stage came when neurosurgeon and best-selling author Sherwin Nuland had just completed a tour-de-force history of electroshock therapy, the treatment for severe mental illness that involves sending electric current directly through a patient’s ...
53、【TEDTalks:我们建立制度,让年轻人在职场更快成长】 (12分22秒)“约40%美国人有一位比我们年轻的老板,而且这数字还在快速增长。权力向年轻人转移的速度前所未有,因为我们越来越依赖数字智能。我们看到公司创始人在20来岁创立公司,在30岁时将规模做到了全球巨头。” Chip Conley是一名有30年经营精品酒店经验的...