Before we can talk about anxiety disorders, let's talk about anxiety itself. Anxiety is the very real and normal emotion we feel in a stressful situation. It's related to fear. But while fear is a response to an immediate threat that quickly subsides, anxiety is a response to more uncert...
If from this very moment forward, each and every one of you left this talk and truly believed that the mind comes entirely from cells in your brain, then we could immediately get rid of negative perceptions and stigmas that prevent...
1. Mental disease is becoming more and more popular among kids, while youth mental health isn't being cared for enough. 2. Mental health affects all of us, people who have brains to be cared for. 3. Suicide is the second most way that people lose their life. Mental issues are getting...
Talk to your friends. Talk to your loved ones. Talk to health professionals. Be vulnerable. Do so with the confidence that you are not alone. Speak up if you're struggling. Being honest about how we feel does not make us weak; it ...
mental health writing TED Fellows emotionsAbout the speaker Laurel Braitman Author, professor, secular chaplain-in-training See speaker profile Laurel Braitman PhD is a bestselling author, educator and a trailblazer in the field of medical storytelling. This talk was presente...
Over at Health Policy and Planning, Patel offers his favorite resources on bringing mental health care to low-income communities. Jointhe movement for global mental health. join Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending content. ...
And so when you leave this talk today, I want you to realize one thing. You have the ability to save and impact a life by the way you treat others. Now, I believe that it’s time to change the way we think about mental health. We have ways to identifyglucoselevels and pregnancyhor...
We need to see mental health as important as physical health. We need to stop suffering in silence. We must stop stigmatizing disease and traumatizing the afflicted. Talk to your friends. Talk to your loved ones. Talk to health professionals. ...
When stress got to be too much for TED Fellow Sangu Delle, he had to confront his own deep prejudice: that men shouldn't take care of their mental health. In a personal talk, Delle shares how he learned to handle anxiety in a society that's uncomfortable with emotions. As he says: ...
What if no one wants to talk to me? What if they'll think I'm weird?" 想象一下你正准备去参加一个聚会,你感到兴奋,但也紧张。你的胃里有这种感觉,就像另一次心跳,某些东西在阻碍你,让你不要太高兴了,最好保持谨慎。否则,可能会发生不好的事情。你开始想:当我到那里的时候,我应该和谁说话? 如果...