睡不夠會不會導致阿茲海默症?睡眠科學家馬特·沃克解釋這兩者間的關係,以及研究人員正在探索如何利用睡眠來減低我們得到這種疾病的機會。 science health sleep human body TED is supported by ads and partners Watch next TED is supported by ads and partners Related Topics science health...
Matt Walker’s Sleeping with Science TED Talks seriesMatt Walker’s research examines the impact of sleep on human health and disease. He got his PhD from the Medical Research Council in London, UK, and subsequently became a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He’s currently a...
Matt Walker is a brain scientist trying to understand why we sleep. Learn more A TED SERIES Sleeping with Science Sleep — we spend one-third of our lives doing it, but what exactly do we get out of it? And how can we do it better? In this TED series, slee...
该TED演讲从生殖系统、大脑、心血管系统和基因表达等方面概述了睡眠对人的影响,认为睡眠的保证是一个人的身心健康的最重要的指标。 字幕有3种:双语字幕-中文(中国)中文字幕-中文(简体)英文字幕-英文(美国) 英文版链接: https://www.ted.com/talks/matt_walker_sleep_is_your_superpower?language=en 展开更多...
【TED-0604】Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker(19:18) Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you ...
脑科学家 Matt Walker 在2020年2月份分享给我们 6个 既能延长我们的睡眠 时间又能提升我们的睡眠 质量的 小技巧: 1. 规律性 固定你的上床和起床时间。(非常重要!) 规律性 能够加强你的睡眠,因此也不要因为 周末 的到来打破它。 我们的大脑内部有一个 24小时 的 生物钟,在生物钟的不同时间都有不同的基因...
每年TED的掌门人Chiris Anderson都会选出他心中的TOP10的演讲,2019年,他选出了这10个。 The most notable talks of 2019, chosen by TED Curator Chris Anderson. 官网链接:2019 TED年度十大演讲 1. Matt Walker:睡眠是你的超能力——一定记得睡个好觉!
Matt Walker | Sleep is your superpowerSleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get sleep — and the ...
" by Matt Walker VIDEO: https://www.ted.com/talks/matt_walker_are_naps_actually_good_for_us?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare Are wedesignedto nap during the day? be designed to Most peopleaimto get their recommended seven to nine hours of sleep in one ...
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