Countdown: A global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis Learn how you can help cut the world's emissions in half by 2030, in the race to a zero-carbon world. Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending ...
Elif Shafak If trees could speak PostedOct 2020 More news and ideas from Elif Shafak Countdown Leadership: Notes from Session 2 of the Countdown Global Launch October 10, 2020 Countdown is a global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. Watch the talks, interviews and perform...
1. The revolutionary power of diverse thought: Elif ShafakElif Shafak is a Turkish-British novelist, essayist, academic, public speaker and women's rights activist who has experienced firsthand the devastation that a loss of diversity can bring. In this passionate, personal talk, she makes...
“Stories cannotdemolishfrontiers, but they canpunchholes in ourmentalwalls. And through those holes, we can get a glimpse of the other, and sometimes even like what we see.” — Elif Shafak,from the TEDTalk: The politics of fiction 图片来源
— Elif Shafak,from the TEDTalk: The politics of fiction 图片来源 “The world is changed by our maps of the world. The way that we choose … also shapes the map of our lives, and that in turn shapes our lives. I believe that what we map changes the life we lead. And I... alice_dreger不知道该怎么翻译,说的是我们通常的对不同人进行归类划分的方法都太简单了,男女之间甚至没有明确的界限。后来说到democracy,更让人心潮澎湃,每个人生来平等 赞(2) 回复 静卜 (进一寸有进一寸的欢喜) 2011-08-17 23... 下载时是1846个文件,分析以1846个文件的为数据源,写日记时已经是1850个文件了 下载到本地的最新的一个文件Published ↑ Event Title Duration URLFeb 2015 TEDxColumbus James A. White Sr.: The little problem I had renting a house 13:53
July 28th, 2015 This week’s topic was about stories. TED-Ed community member Catherine Bennedcit (@EyeoftheTaiga) hosted the discussion centered around Elif Shafak’s TED Talk,“The politics of fiction.”The following prompts were given: ...
目录仅仅列出2010和2020年的文件名,加上其他年份的太多了,故不列出了,有需要自己把网盘资源转存搜索。 资源目录: 2010年TED演讲 911Mothers_2010W[治意911导找宽恕,友谊的母亲们.mp4 AaronHuey_2010xL沦为战俘的美国原驻民.mp4 AdamSadowsky_2010X[亚当·萨多斯基操刀制作的一部火爆音乐视频.mp4 ... copying books, audio files, video and web pages of the world to share Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity If you’re not prepared to be wr...