Any further talk about power and who really has it seems a little dirty, maybe even evil. 任何关于权力和谁真正拥有权力的进一步讨论似乎都有些肮脏,甚至可能是邪恶的。 But power is no more inherently good or evil than fire or physics. 但权力和火或者其他物理...
1996, when I gave my first TEDTalk, Rebecca was five years old and she was sitting right there in the front row. I had just written a book that celebrated our life on the internet and I was about to be on the cover of Wired magazine. 事实上,我的...
Because one of the biggest gifts we can give anyone is the gift of being heard.因为我们能给别人的最大礼物之一就是被倾听。With the simple power of listening now, we can transform our relationships, our families, and our world for the better, ear by ear.现在,我们只需聆听,就能改变我们的...
The reason I wanted to give a TED talk, I think, we talk about this idea of mine at home.我想在TED演讲的原因,我觉得,是因为我们在家经常讨论我的这个想法。It's just been, you know, something in our family is like, well, wouldn't it be great if that existed?我们家里一直在讨论这个...
She went to the front desk to talk to Ray, the security guard. 她跑去前台找保安,雷。 Ray was really happy to see her. 雷很高兴见到她。 Maria is one of the few people that actually stops and says hello to him each day. 玛丽亚是少数每天都停下与他打招呼的人之一。
So today I want to talk about young people through the platform of social media. First of all, who are they? [What] do they look like? Well this is a girl called Guo Meimei -- 20 years old, beautiful. She showed off her expensive bags, clothes and car on her microblog, which is...
Our TED Talk library features dozens of videos spanning many topics related to business and society, including sustainability, the changing workforce, and our digital future.
listening to many hundreds of amazing TED speakers, like these. 聆听了数百位演讲者的精彩演讲 像这样 I've helped them prepare their talks for prime time, and learned directly from them their secrets of what makes for a great talk. 我协助他们准备演讲 在黄金时段播出 直接从他们那里学到了做一场...
I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you're going to fail to have a great career. (Laughter) 今天下午我想和你们讨论一下,你为什么不会成就伟业。(笑声) I'm an economist. I do dismal. End of the day, it's ready for dismal remarks. I only want to talk to those of you who...