So my question is, if a person speaks, if they offer a TED Talk, for example, and no one listens, is that really communication?所以,我的问题是,要是有人讲话,或者说比如在做 TED 讲座,却没有人聆听,那还是交流么?Listening I believe is the missing half of communication, absolutely necess...
布芮尼 · 布朗2010年在TEDxHouston的演说:「脆弱的力量」(The Power of Vulnerability)是TED网站上最受欢迎的演讲之一,已超过一千五百万人次观看,并引起广大的回响。 布芮尼的著作都是畅销书,除了《脆弱的力量》这本最具代表性的...
The other thing that they had in common was this: They fully embraced vulnerability. They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful. They didn’t talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they really talk about it being excruciating 他们还有另外一个共同之处那就是,他们...
So I’m a researcher-storyteller, and I’m going to talk to you today -- we’re talking about expanding perception -- and so I want to talk to you and tell some stories about a piece of my research that fundamentally expanded...
《The Power of Vulnerability》脆弱的力量 ——社会研究教授布琳•布朗2010在TED的演讲稿 布琳.布朗致力于研究人与人的关系——我们感同身受的能力、获得归属感的能力、爱的能力。在TED休斯敦一次富有感染力的幽默谈话中,她跟我们分享了她的研究发现,一个让她更想深入了解自己以及人类的发现,洞悉人性也更了解自己...
This is not a talk on not doing bad things. 我在这里不是要大家别做错事 The point I'm trying to make is that by my brother saying this 我想要说的是我兄弟的一席话 things were put into perspective for me. 完全是从我的角度出发。
演讲题目:The power of believing that you can improve 演讲简介: 一直觉得,有什么样的信念,就有什么样的人生;没有正确信念的人,将过着迷失的一生。人生没有能不能,只有想不想。只要你想要,你就一定能。 尽管很多时候,外界因素我们不能把握,但个人行动却可以产生前进的动力,这力量的源泉就来自坚定的信念。唯有... 【听力流程】 先听,把每句,每个词听懂再说。尝试复述该句话。 听懂以后尝试将单词和句子整合,理解整句话的意思。 若听了很多遍还是听不懂,可以看一下TED下方的字幕。 若看了字母或整句仍无法理解,先作阅读理解了,句子理解清楚了再去跟听...
And I'm going to be really honest with you. When I became a "vulnerability researcher" and that became the focus because of the TEDTalk -- and I'm not kidding. I'll give you an example. About three months ago, I was in a sporting goods store buying goggles and shin guards and ...
the power of yet 演讲稿英文 tedHere's a speech I prepared for a TED talk. The title is "The Power of 'Yet'". (Applause) Thank you. Thank you all. It's an honor to be here today to share with you a concept that I've been thinking about for many years: the power of "yet....