where there are ongoing demands that are unmeetable expectations and unceasing demands. That is the formula, no matter what context it's in, for burnout. Your work is around the stress cycle and how we can complete it. So, will you talk a...
the very first thing they said to never do is to start your talk with a graph. The very first thing I want to do is start my talk with a graph. This graph looks boring, but this graph is the reason I get excited and wake up every mornin...
When I first started talking about this research outside of academia, out with companies and schools, the very first thing they said to never do is to start your talk with a graph. The very first thing I want to do is start my talk with a graph. This graph looks boring, but this g...
路易斯安那州扎卡里的扎卡里小学,则有“周中会议”活动, where they invite teachers to share lunch and to talk about the things that are going well and the things that are weighing heavy on their hearts. 他们邀请老师共进午餐,谈论所有进展顺利的事情,以及让他们倍感压力的事情。 These schools are mak...
(Applause) Which I'm glad you liked, but they did not like that at all. Silence on the phone. And into the silence, I said, "I'd be happy to speak at your school, but just so you know, that's not a wellness week, that's a sickness week. What you've done is you've ...
Pay attention to your attention and incorporate mindfulness training as part of your daily wellness toolkit, in order to tame your own wandering mind and to allow your attention to be a trusted guide in your own life. 所以最后我想要分享 我对各位的行动呼吁。 如下。 对你的注意力保持注意力。
Workplace stress, the stress causing this massive impact, is related to productivity and wellness. Today, that's what we're here to talk about. And by the way, it's linked to employee disengagement, chronic diseases that impact your work and work-related injuries and illnesses. And when yo...
她在学生 和 运动员中发现了 类似的模式也是。好消息是,参与正念训练以培养更大的当下时刻意识可以防止这些影响。她的研究正在继续探索如何训练注意力以获得最佳表现和幸福感。在她的TED Talk中,Jha揭开了压力下的注意力如何变得脆弱,以及通过正念训练加强了注意力的机制。
where they invite teachers to share lunch and to talk about the things that are going well and the things that are weighing heavy on their hearts. 他们邀请老师共进午餐,谈论所有进展顺利的事情,以及让他们倍感压力的事情。 These schools are making space for conversations that matter. 这些学校为有价...
mental wellness services that were more modern, 为职场提供心理健康服务,这些服务现代化, accessible and science-backed. 人人都有机会接触且有科学依据。 Since that time, I and my team have gotten to work with 从那时起,我和我的团队有了与全世界 ...