—Emotional intelligence/regulation —Awareness of the potential and impact of Violent Trauma (VT). https://damonashworthpsychology.com/2017/09/14/the-10-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-adverse-childhood-experiences-study/ Then, of course, we haveOprahweighing in (finally) a few weeks ago: ...
Talk about getting to the heart of the matter! If you want to know who someone is, ask them about what they love. Teacher Tip: Check out this HeART Project Strategy Lesson 10: Normalize Emotions We all have them. Emotions are just information. Emotional regulation is a huge part of SEL...
同样,当我处于一段长期、可维持、充满爱的浪漫关系中,我大脑的情感中心会参与其中, and when I'm not in a long-term, viable, emotional, loving relationship, they should eventually chill out. 而当我不处于一段长期、可维持、激情的恋爱关系中时,大脑的情感中心最终会冷静下来。 So she came over with ...
Similarly, when I'm in a long-term, viable, loving romantic relationship, the emotional centers of my brain should engage, and when I'm not in a long-term, viable, emotional, loving relationship, they should eventually chill out. 06:24 So she came over with a set of electrodes just sm...
So when we're on the treadmill, we would anticipate that our heart would beat and pound, and when we're a sleep, we would ask that that muscle slow. Similarly, when I'm in a long-term, viable, loving romantic relationship, the emotiona...
antonyms, healthy, strong, capable." i was reading thislist out loud to a friend and at first was laughing, it was so ludicrous, buti'd just gotten past "mangled," and my voice broke, and i had to stop andcollect myself from the emotional shock and impact that the assault from ...
Just as physical strength is built through hard exercise, emotional fortitude is enhanced by adversity and conflict. Every great achievement requires a confrontation with stress, a conquest of fear. Our engineers know, there is no traction without friction. Wilbur Wright, father of the aviation worl...
These cortical regions, which help impose emotional regulation and impulse control, continue to grow well past puberty, into your 20s. 这些大脑皮质区对情绪和冲动加以控制,过了青春期还会持续发育,直到 20 多岁。 While teens are often unfairly stereotyped as rash or impulsive, research reveals a more...
Clinical psychology Emotional Reactivity and Regulation in Current and Remitted Depression| An Event Related Potential Study UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA Jonathan Rottenberg BylsmaLauren MMajor Depressive Disorder (MDD) is thought to be characterized by emotion regulation deficits, including decreased use of...
Don’t worry, I’m not positing “psychological intelligence” as a genuine psychological construct (like the much-debated emotional intelligence, or E-IQ). I’m just using the term as a shorthand for “your knowledge of psychology” — both your own psychology and the discipline in general...