Ideas Worth Spreading 作家兼设计师格雷厄姆-希尔问道。在更小的空间里拥有更少的东西,能带来更多的幸福吗?他提出了占用更少空间的理由,并提出了编辑生活的三个规则。 【演讲题目】 Less stuff, more happiness 【演讲者】 Graham Hill 已关注关注...
Ideas Worth Spreading 演讲者:Julian Treasure 演讲题目:Shh! Sound health in 8 steps 中英文双语文稿 向上滑动阅览 The Hindus say, "Nada brahma," one translation of which is, "The world is sound." And in a way, that's true, because everything is...
在TED的LOGO上, 有一行文字, “Ideas Worth Spreading”, 翻译过来就是“值得传播的思想”。TED通过开放源, 在线传播改变世界的思想, 并允许自愿者将TED演讲视频翻译。到目前为止, TED演讲视频已经被翻译成了105种语言。 ●《TED演讲的秘密》 TED的成功让世人颇为好奇:TED演讲为什么能够风靡全球?为什么不超过18分钟...
90场顶 级TED演讲,看完思维格局炸裂。✅TED是一个英文演讲平台,它的口号是:Ideas worth spreading(传播有价值的思想). 👏👏在TED平台演讲的人物都是顶 级实力大咖,他们把自己人生宝贵的经验,浓缩成精华分享出来,含金量很高,看完会让你产生深度的思考. ...
TED演讲的主旨是:Ideas worth spreading. T——Technology E—— Entertainment D—— Design 你会沟通吗? 你会演讲吗? 你会谈判吗? …… 为什么很多你平时张口就来的东西,一到了人多的公众场合就紧张的卡壳了。好比《国王的演讲》里的Albert王子一样…颜值再高,话都说不好也是白瞎啊!
TED:Ideas worth spreading Don’t kill your language The world may want you to speak English to seem “global” or “sophisticated.” Here’s why you should resist. Preserve your mother tongue! Suzanne Talhouk speaks Arabic, her native tongue, and she expects her fellow Arabic speakers to ...
Under the moniker "ideas worth spreading," talks were released online. They rapidly attracted a global audience in the millions. Indeed, the reaction was so enthusiastic that the entire TED website has been reengineered around TEDTalks, with the goal of giving everyone on-demand access to the...
Under the moniker "ideas worth spreading," talks were released online. They rapidly attracted a global audience in the millions. Indeed, the reaction was so enthusiastic that the entire TED website has been reengineered around TEDTalks, with the goal of giving everyone on-demand access to the...
[TED Talk] 图示值得传播的思想 | Mapping ideas worth spreading Eric Berlow 和 Sean Gourley | Eric Berlow and Sean Gourley, 2013 00:00:11 Eric Berlow: 我是一个生态学家,而 Sean 是个物理学家, Eric Berlow: I'm an ecologist, and Sean's a physicist, 00:00:14 我们都在研究一些复杂的网络...