Luckily, there is a way to overcome FOBO. Here's a secret. With any decision you make, you first have to determine the stakes, as this will inform your decision-making strategy. When it comes down to it, you only really face three types of decisions in life: highstakes, low stakes a...
002 How I use art to tackle plastic pollution in our oceans Alejandro Durán 07:18 021 The beautiful balance between courage and fear Cara E. Yar Khan 09:56 040 How burnout makes us less creative The Way We Work a TED series 05:05 039 How to make faster decisions The Way We Wor...
While most people only make decisions based on urgency and importance, multipliers are making a third calculation which is based on significance, and if urgency is how soon does something matter, and importance is how much does it matter, then significance is how long is it going to matter. ...
TED演讲的特点是毫无繁杂冗长的专业讲座,观点响亮,开门见山,种类繁多,看法新颖。而且还是非常好的英语口语听力练习材料,建议坚持学习。 TED演讲视频 视频简介: 演说者:Scott Dinsmore 演说题目:如何找到自己钟爱的工作 什么工作,是你非...
I have a confession to make. But first, I want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand if you've experienced relatively little stress. Anyone? 00:20 How about a moderate amount of stress?
What if we could help our bodies heal faster and without scars, like Wolverine in X-Men? TED Fellow Kaitlyn Sadtler is working to make this dream a reality by developing new biomaterials that could change how our immune system responds to injuries. In this quick talk, she shows the ...
What if we could help our bodies heal faster and without scars, like Wolverine in X-Men? TED Fellow Kaitlyn Sadtler is working to make this dream a reality by developing new biomaterials that could change how our immune system responds to injuries. In this quick talk, she shows the differen...
如果你不喜欢自己的工作(毕竟80%的人都不喜欢自己的工作),也不知道自己喜欢什么,可以看一下这个TED演讲:How to find work you love(不想看视频的,后面附有中英双语字幕文稿),也许能对你有所帮助。 How to find work you
What if we could help our bodies heal faster and without scars, like Wolverine in X-Men? TED Fellow Kaitlyn Sadtler is working to make this dream a reality by developing new biomaterials that could change how our immune system responds to injuries. In this quick talk, she shows the ...
002 How I use art to tackle plastic pollution in our oceans Alejandro Durán 07:18 021 The beautiful balance between courage and fear Cara E. Yar Khan 09:56 040 How burnout makes us less creative The Way We Work a TED series 05:05 039 How to make faster decisions The Way We Wor...