Download bilingual subtitles of TED talks.https://ted2sub.orgnow. tedted-subtitlebilingualted-talks UpdatedMar 24, 2021 Haskell gfscott/eleventy-plugin-embed-everything Star102 An Eleventy plugin to easily embed common media formats in posts, using only their URLs ...
All those expensive items were given to her as gifts by her boyfriend, who used to be a board member in a subpision of Red Croat Chamber of Commerce. It's very complicated to explain. But anyway, the public still doesn't buy it. I...
最近在玩iPad上的「TED+SUB」App,每天看一些重要人物的短演講,學習他們的觀念思想,而且還有中文字幕,真的是很有趣又很有意義的享受。目前TED網站上將近900則演講影片,大多數是有各國語言翻譯字幕的,於是我就想說,那也來找找看Android手機上有沒有可以提供繁簡體中文字幕的TED App吧!而這就是今天要推薦的:「TE...
Not just on any ship, but a ship-shipping ship shipping shipping-ships? That sentence sounds just as outrageous, but there's logic to the babble. Ship can mean a vessel and to transport. When we sub in those meanings, a clearer picture emerges. Here we have a huge ship-carrying vessel...
Where did English come from - Claire Bowern 04:54 History vs. Che Guevara - Alex Gendler 06:08 Debunking the myths of OCD - Natascha M. Santos 04:51 What is the universe expanding into - Sajan Saini 06:07 Hacking bacteria to fight cancer - Tal Danino 05:11 Why doesn’t the Leaning...
那就先把其他人拿掉,再尝试区分主格和宾格。 Here's another. You wouldn't say, "Me heard gossip," but sub in "I" and you're good to go. 还有一个例子。你不会说 “Me听到谣言”,但只要把me换成I就好了。 手机扫描二维码查看全部内容 英中...
Operating Systems Sub Group 0 Microsoft Windows 11 Professional 64-bit OEI DVD - English$149.99Microsoft Windows 11 Home 64-bit DSP OEM DVD$119.99 May be returned within 30 days of purchase*Learn More Original price$109.99Save $34.00 $75.99 ...
But what is important about his writing is that it represents the beginning of a tradition of telling African stories in the West: A tradition of Sub-Saharan Africa as a place of negatives, of difference, of darkness, of people who, in the words of the wonderful poet Rudyard Kipling, are...
Define fellated. fellated synonyms, fellated pronunciation, fellated translation, English dictionary definition of fellated. v. fel·lat·ed , fel·lat·ing , fel·lates v. tr. To perform fellatio on. v. intr. To engage in fellatio. fel·la′tion n. fel
No longer than 18 minutes,the video is not really interesting, you know you arenot going to waste too much time.Most TED talks are in English but there are talks avail-able in other languages, too. What's more, most of theEnglish-language talks also have subttles(副标题) in dif-...