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Please note: We are not linking to, promoting, or affiliated with ted2srt.org in any way. This page only presents ted2srt.org html statistics and pagespeed results for informational purposes. Download bilingual subtitles and transcripts of TED talks. TED演讲双语字幕下载。
百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/15LdeLNELj2SFASzCfrCIJg?pwd=6666 提取码:6666 3.有小伙伴想要TED-ED视频的下载地址夸克网盘: https://pan.quark.cn/s/5a0567e72ae4或者百度网盘群号:216846778,位于群文件TED-ED和TED文件夹,百度网盘无法使用链接分享更新说明:因部分视频缺少,原先的文本顺序与B站视频对...
百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/15LdeLNELj2SFASzCfrCIJg?pwd=6666 提取码:6666 3.有小伙伴想要TED-ED视频的下载地址夸克网盘: https://pan.quark.cn/s/5a0567e72ae4或者百度网盘群号:216846778,位于群文件TED-ED和TED文件夹,百度网盘无法使用链接分享更新说明:因部分视频缺少,原先的文本顺序与B站视频对...
This is the source code ofted2srt.org, a website to download bilingual subtitles of TED talks. The backend is written in Haskell, while the frontend is in PureScript. Set up development environment Nixis required for development. Frontend ...
https://www.ted.com/talks/barat_ali_batoor_my_desperate_journey_with_a_human_smuggler/transcript?language=en# #Subtitles and Transcript I am a Hazara, and the homeland of my people is Afghanistan. Like hundreds of thousands of other Hazara kids, I was bornin exile(流放/流亡期间). Theongoi...
NavigationTED Log in Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation TEDGlobal 2009 路 18:36 路 Filmed Jul 2009 Subtitles available in 41 languages View interactive transcript Return to the talkReturn to talk Transcript Select language 0:11 I need to make a confession at the outset here. A little over ...
In English, both first-language and second-language experts speak in a range of Global Englishes, with talks accompanied by resources, such as transcripts and subtitles that can support L2 instruction. Romanelli et al. (2014) described the suitability of TED Talks in learning as shorter, ...
TED-Ed lessons on all subjects. TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Discover hundreds of animated lessons, create customized lessons, and share your big ideas.