有关Technics SL-1200直驱唱盘的故事在业界很多,“我听说就算车子压过去,它也还是可以用”,布鲁克林的知名派对Mister Saturday Night主持人Justin Carter 如此说,而他到现在用的还是最早买的那一对唱盘,一路伴随他征战纽约,刮遍南布朗克斯。“我们只有换过一台,我忘记确切的原因了,但是拆下来当零件机,到现在也还是...
来自Osiris Studio 的 Michael Graves 是一位多次获得格莱美® 大奖的母带工程师以及 Technics SP-15 的拥有者,我们将的新Technics SL-1000R 交给了他,这台SL-1000R在他的录音室发挥了极大的潜力。 Michael Graves(生于 1968 年 12 月 23 日)是美国母带工程师。他擅长音频修复和音频保存。格雷夫斯是三届格莱...
Any amplifier at this level needs top-notch partnering equipment, and the SU-R1000 is no different. We use our regularNaim ND555/555 PS DRmedia streamer alongsideTechnics' SL-1000Rrecord player (with both Goldring 2500 MM and Kiseki Purple Heart MC cartridges) as the main sources. ...
I've been reviewing audio components since some long talks with HP back in the early 1980s. My first experiences with the high end came in the 1950s at the University of Chicago, where I earned part of my tuition selling gear for Allied Radio and a local high-end audio dealer, and wo...
Sands’ brief was to evoke the style of Technics’ ubiquitous SL-1200 decks, familiar to everyone in the business of spinning records. He chose a 2010-model XL883 Iron Sportster as his starting point: part of Harley-Davidson’s ‘Dark Custom’ range, it’s designed to evoke the dirt trac...