Technics SL-D2 Turntable 产品说明书 I OPERATING PRECAUTIONS Place the turntable on a horizontal support free of vibrations. For prevention of acoustical feedback, the speakers must be placed a sufficient distance from the turntable. Save packaging should shipping become necessary! Warning: If this ...
These models tended to come from the upper end of the company's range, but here we have a more basic offering: the unassuming SL-150. This model first appeared in 1975 and was also available with a factory-fitted arm as the SL-1500 and SL-1700. The SL-150 could take a variety of...
他们身着燕尾服齐聚东京某录音室,组建了唱盘交响乐团“The Philharmonic Turntable Orchestra”,重新诠释门德尔松的协奏曲,以作为Technics SL-1200系列再复活的庆祝。DMC(Disco Mix Club)可说是全世界历史最悠久也最具权威性的DJ刮碟比赛,二十多年来,DMC从三十多个参赛国招集顶尖高手参与这场DJ界的奥林匹克盛事,也孕...
23fw technics SL-1200MK7 Turntable 电源方式 其他 颜色分类 黑胶唱片机 采购地 欧洲 图文详情 0 本店推荐 现货Supreme 22FW Kuumba Tee Air Freshener 车载香薰 衣服香片 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#S0tLS0YRShWsErEaqhZpEL8FoxZqFA8XVh5kKrsbZgTHH+4Xbh5zHe0X8RHQGLQRtxCTHccZRRBcE18rvgT6F2M=] 现货Supreme ...
After many years of storage in the garage, the tone arm of my Technics SL-1900 turntable would no longer rise and fall when I worked the tone arm control lever. It stubbornly stayed in the full “up” position. I decided to disassemble the device to check the condition of the grease in...
Technics SL-1200 MK2 TurntableThe legendary turntable that revolutionized the world of radio and dance club disc jockeys. Originally launched in 1972 ...
Premium Class Turntable with easy connectivity and authentic sound The SL-1500C offers outstanding functionality, usability, and a wealth of features for vinyl lovers. A pre-mounted cartridge and integrated phono EQ provide supremely simple setup, while an automatic tonearm lift ensures precious LPs ...
Buy Turntable Belt for TECHNICS Models SL-301MMC SL-B250U with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
At the end of my listening session, one thing became clear: This is an awesome turntable. If I were looking for something in this price range, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy the SL-1500C. The only downsides are the odd built-in phonostage, which can be bypassed, and the tonearm lifting...
再来一段人声的比较,同样是Technics SL-1200 G “The Best Turntable in The World ” 世界上最好的唱机,这句话不是说假的~[酷] #黑胶# #黑胶唱片# #黑胶唱机# #Technics#