[ WARN] [1603053989.774449607]: TebLocalPlannerROS: trajectory is not feasible. Resetting planner... [INFO] [1603053989.778356]: message:{"velocity": 0.0, "steering": 0.0} [ INFO] [1603053990.097118347]: Resizing costmap to 152 X 127 at 0.050000 m/pix [ INFO] [1603053990.097837637]: Resizing ...
virtual void clearPlanner():重置规划器。 virtual bool isTrajectoryFeasible():通过检测轨迹的一部分是否与障碍碰撞而检查轨迹是否可行。 virtual bool isHorizonReductionAppropriate():该方法是在确定规划器提供的轨迹不可行的情况下调用的。在某些情况下,视界长度的缩短可能会解决问题,例如,如果计划的轨道抄近路。由...
hi, dear @croesmann , i test your local planner with stage, and find sometimes the local trajectory will cross the wall in stage, and in terminal it shows "TebLocalPlannerROS: trajectory is not feasible. Resetting planner..." and will ab...
bool feasible = planner_->isTrajectoryFeasible(costmap_model_.get(), footprint_spec_, robot_inscribed_radius_, robot_circumscribed_radius, cfg_.trajectory.feasibility_check_no_poses); 1. 用于优化后的轨迹检查,前向检查多少个位姿点的可行性。判断优化后的一段轨迹需要判断是否可以运动,这个参数用于判断...
(*it_teb)->teb().isTrajectoryInsideRegion(20, -1, 1)) // { // ROS_INFO("HomotopyClassPlanner::selectBestTeb(): skipping trajectories that are not inside the local costmap"); // continue; // } double teb_cost; //前面修改的作用遇到前面计算的teb替换对应的cost if (*it_teb == ...
Global path planning typically searches for geometrically feasible routes, which are not directly suitable for the robot, as robots cannot make sharp turns abruptly and need to decelerate [3]. Local path planning generates a trajectory with velocity and directional information, taking into account the...
Global path planning typically searches for geometrically feasible routes, which are not directly suitable for the robot, as robots cannot make sharp turns abruptly and need to decelerate [3]. Local path planning generates a trajectory with velocity and directional information, taking into account the...
Global path planning typically searches for geometrically feasible routes, which are not directly suitable for the robot, as robots cannot make sharp turns abruptly and need to decelerate [3]. Local path planning generates a trajectory with velocity and directional information, taking into account the...