To evaluate the sciatic nerves of patients with unilateral sciatica by using an ultrasound, and to determine whether ultrasonographic findings were related to clinical and electrophysiologic parameters. Cross-sectional study. Physical medicine and rehabilitation departments of a university hospital and a ...
A unique case is presented of a patient who is unable to fully hip extend in a rectus femoris muscle tear. Rectus femoris muscle is a type of quadriceps muscle, which is the most involved muscle in strain pathologies. Rectus femoris involves primarily in hip flexion and knee extension. We ...
The Effect of the Hypertrophied Type on Carcase Composition and Muscle Distribution in the Maine Anjou Breed There are some muscles showing higher percentages in hypertrophied animals: Biceps femoris, Semimembranosus, Cutaneus trunci, Pectoralis ascendens, ... BL Dumont,A D’Herlincourt,O Schmitt,...
At surgery, a 2 × 4 cm tear was found in the tendon of the right gluteus medius muscle. Partial tendon reconstruction was followed by prompt and lasting pain relief, in accordance with the few similar reports in the literature. This paucity of publications is in sharp contrast with ...
MRI of the pelvis demonstrated a grade 2 partial thickness tear of the left gluteus maximus muscle at its distal myotendinous junction with associated retraction and intramuscular hematoma. He was managed with compression with biking shorts, icing, acetaminophen, and physical therapy. He returned to...
Rectus femoris involves primarily in hip flexion and knee extension. We report a 23 year old young man who sustained injury to his right hip after a game of 'sepak takraw' whereby he fell on his right gluteus after a bicycle kick in the air. He sought medical attention immediately as he...
GLUTEUS mediusMUSCLE abnormalitiesDisclosures G. Telhan, No Disclosures. Case Description Patient 1: A 53-year-old woman with right lateral hip pain after injury to the lateral hip during hip abduction/adduction exercises. Pain was ongoing for greater than 10 weeks and characterized as sharp and ...
On the contrary, isolated injuries of the gluteus maximus muscle have been barely reported in the literature. Case Report: We present a case of a 63-year-old male water aerobics trainer with an acute tear of the right gluteus maximus tendon and describe the clinical presentation, imaging ...