To evaluate the sciatic nerves of patients with unilateral sciatica by using an ultrasound, and to determine whether ultrasonographic findings were related to clinical and electrophysiologic parameters. Cross-sectional study. Physical medicine and rehabilitation departments of a university hospital and a ...
133.3). The muscle is innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve. The gluteus maximus muscle is susceptible to trauma and wear and tear from overuse and misuse and may develop myofascial pain syndrome, which may also be associated with gluteal bursitis. View chapter Review article Gluteal ...
This review describes how computational modeling can be combined with noninvasive gait measurements to describe and explain muscle and joint function in human locomotion. Five muscles--the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, vasti, soleus, ... MG Pandy,TP Andriacchi - 《Annual Review of Biomedical ...
Frank, J.M., Federer, A.E., Lee, S., Nho, S.J. (2014). Surgical Technique: Gluteus Maximus Transfer . In: Nho, S., Leunig, M., Kelly, B., Bedi, A., Larson, C. (eds) Hip Arthroscopy and Hip Joint Preservation Surgery. Springer, New York, NY.
c) Gluteus maximus d) Flexor carpi radialis e) None of the above Humerus The humerus is a long bone running the length of the shoulder to the elbow that is located in the arm. It connects from the scapula to the radius and ulna. The humer...
c) Gluteus maximus d) Flexor carpi radialis e) None of the above Muscles: The tissues of the human body which act as a primary source of energy are known as muscles. The muscles are composed of specialized structures known as muscle fibers....
Traumatic gluteus maximus femoral insertion teardoi:10.25259/JMSR_210_2023Abduldaem, Khalid A.Alyousef, Hussain A.Almuslami, Ali Y.Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery & Research (JMSR)
MRI of the pelvis demonstrated a grade 2 partial thickness tear of the left gluteus maximus muscle at its distal myotendinous junction with associated retraction and intramuscular hematoma. He was managed with compression with biking shorts, icing, acetaminophen, and physical therapy. He returned to...
A 36-year-old male presented with a traumatic partial tear of the gluteus maximus tendon following a fall with twisting mechanism of injury. He presented with pain that did not improve despite 6 months of conservative treatment and eventually required surgical repair. He recovered fully after ...
Up to three trochanteric bursae have been described around the greater trochanter.2The largest one is the subgluteus maximus bursa, which lies lateral to the greater trochanter and located deep in the fibers of the tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus muscle as they join to form the iliotibial...