用于[[Soldier (Classic)/zh-hans|士兵]]和[[Heavy (Classic)/zh-hans|机枪手]]职业。 注意,在''[[Team Fortress/zh-hans|军团要塞(1)]]''中,当玩家捡起比目前所穿戴的装甲等级要低的装甲时,玩家的装甲将会降级。 === 装甲类型 === 除了''雷神之锤''的装甲类型外,''军团要塞''还有着其他可供玩家...
Unlike the Team Fortress 2 Medic's Medi Gun the medical kit acts as a melee attack that, on hit, will apply a flat amount of healing or a contagious infection depending on the target's team. Heavy Weapons GuyThe Heavy Weapons Guy (also known as the Heavy or the HW Guy) is armed ...
一款风靡全球的联机对战游戏 - Team Fortress Classic,九种游戏角色任你选择 - 从实习医生、间谍到战争狂人 - 以其鲜明的个性游走于网络激战的世界。 游戏中提供多种团队对战模式,每种角色都拥有不同的武器、物品和能力。...
Team Fortress Classic 军团要塞的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Team Fortress 2 Classic is a mod for Team Fortress 2 that aims to re-imagine the launch era of the original game. New features include TF series staples like the Civilian and Four-Team. Actively updated with new weapons, maps, and gamemodes!
Team Fortress ClassicGameSurge
Team Fortress 1.5 WON Menu restored, sort of!Restored TF1.5 menu 11 7 Best of 3 months GaolbreakAvanti style attack and defend 4 2 Best of 6 months 4tdm_2fortFour-Team Deathmatch Version of 2Fort 6 Best of 6 months P_Supernailgun to V 3 Best of 6 months TFC ARGENTINA-EDITION...
Norris(Soldier/Heavy) Inaktiv crazy(Medic/Scout) Deadeye(Soldier) Zeit für eine News! :) Gestern haben wir die magische Zahl von300Clanwars geknackt, leider mit einem unrühmlichen Draw, was die Stimmung aber nicht mindern sollte. :) Dadurch sind wir in kürzester Zeit zum 2. aktivsten...