Team Fortress 1.5 WON Menu restored, sort of!Restored TF1.5 menu 11 7 Best of 3 months GaolbreakAvanti style attack and defend 4 2 Best of 6 months 4tdm_2fortFour-Team Deathmatch Version of 2Fort 6 Best of 6 months P_Supernailgun to V 3 Best of 6 months TFC ARGENTINA-EDITION...
you only copy-pasted default gearbox models from HL and HL:OP without worrying about quality. -models don't have team colored support. -sniper and wrench was copy-pasted from HL: OP but you was so lazy that he didn't even change his hands, the result is that the models are inconsisten...
Team Fortress ClassicGameSurge
Team Fortress ClassicGenresShooter DevelopersValve Release DateApril 6, 1999 (25 years and 11 months ago) PublishersSierra Entertainment Content Rating M Blood and Gore, Intense Violence FranchisesTeam Fortress Classic Team Fortress Classic Screenshots and Videos All the Latest Game Footage and Images ...
Working as a team is very important in Team Fortress Classic, as each class has various weaknesses which can be compensated for by the strengths or abilities of a different class. Often, working with others is the only way to accomplish the goals of a map. The...
Team Fortress Classic (TFC), also known as Team Fortress 1.5, is a title in the Team Fortress series of games. Team Fortress Classic is a class-based multiplayer online first-person shooter video game developed by Valve and published by Sierra Studios. A port of the Team Fortress mod for...
TheClassicis aprimary weaponfor theSniper. It is a visual recreation of theSniper RiflefromTeam Fortress Classicand uses a remastered version of the Classic Sniper Rifle's firing sound. Unlike other sniper rifles, the Classic does not automatically charge shots while the player is scoped in. Ins...
名称:Team Fortress Classic 类型:动作 开发商:Valve 发行商:Valve 发行日期:1999 年 4 月 1 日 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 购买Team Fortress Classic ¥ 22.00 添加至购物车 购买Valve Complete Pack捆绑包(?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 20 个项目立省 10%!
一款风靡全球的联机对战游戏 - Team Fortress Classic,九种游戏角色任你选择 - 从实习医生、间谍到战争狂人 - 以其鲜明的个性游走于网络激战的世界。 游戏中提供多种团队对战模式,每种角色都拥有不同的武器、物品和能力。...